Cheap Nose Jobs? Read This Before You Want to Go for One!

If you have perfect sculpted nose features, you probably therefore have perfecto parents. But wait; if you happen to have an undesirable nose, there is some good news for you as well. It is here that Rhinoplasty surgery experts’ work with over 20 years experience to reshape it back to perfection.

Yes! Cosmetic nose jobs, better known as Rhinoplasty are what every other person contemplating on aesthetic cosmetic surgery is talking about. ‘Rhino’ is a Greek word for nose and ‘plasty’ means surgical repair. Thus, Rhinoplasty or nose jobs as used by layman is a surgical procedure to correct or improve facial features.

Who can be candidates for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be used to correct either a wide-tipped nose, resize a huge nasal hump, trim a long nose to the right size, correct a wide-bridged nose, add a little extra to that short and stubby nose, or even correct a crooked or a undesirable nose.

But why do people contemplate nose jobs?

Nasal function and ability to breathe can be improved through Rhinoplasty; however, more often it is the aesthetic look and feel that pushes people to think of getting a nose job. Let me elucidate the reasons as to why people wish to go for Rhinoplasty.

There will be occasions, when, due to some structural malformation, a person fails to breathe properly; Rhinoplasty is the solution that addresses the problem. And, The defect could be inborn or arise out of an accident that might have injured the nose and surrounding bones. Whatever the reason be a person finds it difficult to breathe when the internal cartilage and/or bones of the nose is/are affected resulting in airways blockage. There are patients who breathe with extreme difficulty and suffer from sleep apnea as well.

The second important reason for people opting for Rhinoplasty is due to the deformation of either external or internal structure of the nose. The causes of this kind of deformation are physiological trauma, genetic mutations, accidental burning or severe injury or even prolonged exposure to toxic materials. It’s in these cases the nose deformity is best tackled by a nose jobs expert or surgeon.

However, there is another league of people who prefer to have a change in their facial structure, more attuned to the contemporary chic looks. These people too go for elective Rhinoplasty. Some people go for nasal surgery either to make them look like their favorite celebrities, for instance a sculpted nose like that of Charlize Theron. There are people who hate their nose size or shape and opt for surgery to improve it and balance the proportion to their other facial features, their way of helping them achieve a more attractive overall look.

In general, nose jobs employ either of the two techniques-closed or open method. In both these methods, an incision is made inside the nostrils and the internal cartilage and bones are tweaked according to persons’ needs/tastes. Nasal surgery or reconstruction is a critical operation indeed and it has its risk implications and a person has to be prepared mentally as well financially. There are places where cheap nose jobs are done but that has its negative repercussions because it is a complex art calling for expert hands. Cheap nasal jobs might distort the total harmony of face and could even result in severe health risk including breathing concerns and headache.