Phoenix cosmetic surgeon : Full Mommy Makeover

Becoming pregnant is one of the many womanly joys. Most women enjoy eating all that they crave and not having to exercise and enjoy that most of the food is going to their baby and not all to the hips and thighs and staying there. Having a baby brings the mother and all those around the mother great joy and laughter, but the body after giving birth is a problem for most women. Being pregnant inevitably causes the skin and abdomen muscles to stretch most times causing tears in the dermis that do not rid with exercise. Most times after pregnancy and breast feeding most women are left with lose sagging skin and breast which have lost their density. Leading Phoenix cosmetic surgeon s agree that most women after giving birth undoubtedly want their old figure back, and this can be done through plastic surgery. A woman can have her old figure back and even look better than she did before with a full mommy makeover. If a women has lost a lot of or even all of the weight that she had gained from the pregnancy but still can not manage to lose the extra pockets of fat and has loose sagging skin than she is a great candidate for plastic surgery. A full mommy makeover does not have to be done immediately after giving birth although it can be done, but it can also be done several years later when ever she feels ready.

There are several steps and options to begin with a full mommy make over, several women chose to begin with liposuction. Liposuction will successfully remove unwanted stubborn pockets of fat that other wise can not be removed with diet and exercise. With new less invasive liposuction and liposuction techniques surgeons can perform this surgery faster, with minimal bruising and little to no down time.

The most common plastic surgery procedure for mothers is the tummy tuck. During the pregnancy skin and muscle in the abdominal area must stretch, like said above this cause left over sagging skin and loose muscle. Although one may have snapped back to the before pregnancy size ones stomach may have been to over stretched to go back to its normal shape; therefore needing a Tummy tuck Phoenix plastic surgeons say with a tummy tuck they can correct the lose sagging and tighten the abdominal muscle. A tummy tuck will give the tummy a more contoured and appealing shape while also restoring better function to the now tighter abdomen muscles. Al though a tummy tuck needs more down time the results of a tummy tuck paired with lipo are incredible and requested by many.

After having children and after breast feeding the size and shape of a women's breast can drastically change. Sometimes the breasts become larger and more filled and other times they loose density and sag or even look completely flat. There are several types of breast surgery to address the different types of problems. A women can include to her mommy makeoverPhoenix breast augmentationwhich can be in the form of a Breast reduction, to reduce size, a breast lift to regain the "perk", Implants to increase size, density and the "perk".

These Procedures are all surgicalPhoenix plastic surgeryprocedures that are most commonly included in a full mommy makeovers. The two other problems that are commonly corrected in a makeover are cellulite and stretch marks. Stretch marks are more commonly corrected with lasers and Cellulite with lipo dissolve. Although lipo dissolve was not intended for cellulite it efficiently rids most but not all of the troubled areas.