All You Ever Wanted to Know About Brow Lifts

What Does A Brow Lift Do? Have people ever told you that you look sad or angry all the time? Do people always guess your age as older than you are? Do you have wrinkles and frown lines on your forehead? Do you feel like your eyebrows have dropped down closer to your eyes? Are you self conscience about the way you look and feel like you would really like to improve your self esteem? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider a consultation with a plastic surgeon regarding a brow lift. A brow lift can correct all of the above and leave you looking younger and with increased self esteem. What Is A Brow Lift Procedure Involve? A brow lift begins with a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will walk you through the procedure and discuss with you what you want your outcome to be. The surgeon will tell you what you need to do in terms of preoperative care and preparation. During the procedure you will be give either general anesthesia or medication through an IV. The procedure lasts anywhere from one to two hours. At your consultation, the surgeon will discuss with you the location of your incisions. The location depends on the desired outcome of your procedure. Incisions are usually made in the hairline or in the creases of the eyelids. There is minimal visible scarring involved with brow lift procedures. After the incisions are made, the surgeon will work with the tissue, fat and muscle beneath the skin to position it so the wrinkles in the skin will be eliminated. When replacing the skin, the surgeon will trim any excess skin and then use stitches to secure everything in place. In order to ensure that the results of your procedure are long lasting, your surgeon may elect to use tiny screws or permanent stitches to make certain that everything stays in place. You can expect to be swollen and will have some bruising for up to 10 days after the surgery. As with any surgical procedure, there will be some pain and discomfort. Be sure to discuss what to expect with your surgeon during you consultation. Your surgeon may give you some pain medication to ease your discomfort for a few days after the surgery. Typically, within two weeks, brow lift patients are pretty much back to normal, minus strenuous activity. As with any surgery, there are risks of numbness and infection, but these risks are minimal for brow lift procedures. Your plastic surgeon will go over the risks with you during your consultation. After The Surgery You will continue to see improvements for several months after the surgery. Your skin will become smooth and any deep wrinkles and furrows you had previously will be long gone! You will certainly look younger and feel better about yourself. To find out more about brow lift procedures or to see if you are a candidate, please visit Cosmetic surgeon Los Angeles .