Smartlipo Recovery Time

Today’s SmartLipo customers are increasingly concerned aboutSmartLipo recovery time, the nature of the surgery, and the results. Approved by the FDA, SmartLipo is a laser-assisted liposuction procedure, which has proved to be successful in treating people who have a problem with excessive fat deposits.

SmartLipo is highly effective for removing those stubborn fat deposits from targeted areas of the body including abdomen, face, neck, back, chin, hips, knees, buttocks, saddle bags, love handles, and more.

Faster Recovery with Less Risk of Complications

Only local anesthesia is required, which means fewer risks and side effects. Minor bruising, swelling and numbness occur directly after the SmartLipo procedure, but this is minimal. Depending on the procedure performed, you will be asked to wear a support garment for several days after the surgery.

The recovery time might vary from person to person and from procedure to procedure. To recover from traditional liposuction, it may take weeks, or even months. But patients undergoing the SmartLipo procedure need only lesser recovery time and often return to routine activities and work within a few days. Normally, the surgeon advises a day or two of rest. Recovery time will be longer, if large amounts of fat are to be removed with SmartLipo. It is always better to avoid strenuous sports for at least two weeks. You will also be scheduled for recovery check-ups, because professional monitoring improves your chance of receiving best body contouring results.

Choose Your Surgeon Wisely to Get Desired Outcomes

If you decide to go ahead with the SmartLipo treatment, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon you are comfortable with. An experienced and talented plastic surgeon will be able to provide you with all information regarding the SmartLipo surgical process, treatment duration, recovery time, and the expected benefits in full detail.