Breast Augmentation

Introduction to Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation has become increasingly popular and much talked about over the past few years.  Breast surgery can increase breast size, lift breasts, equalize breast size, reshape and reconstruct breasts and can decrease the size of the breasts.  Men and women can have breast surgery, but typically breast augmentation is used to increase breast size.

Who Should Have Breast Augmentation?

Mammaplasty, or breast augmentation, is for anyone who is self-conscience about their breasts for any reason.  Being self-conscience is reason enough to seek a consultation from a plastic surgeon.  Breast augmentation candidates must be 18 years old or older and must be in good physical health.

In addition, there are some other issues to consider before having breast augmentation surgery.  Breast augmentation could interfere with breast feeding if this is something that a woman plans to do in the future.  Breast augmentation is also not a procedure that lasts a lifetime.  There could be the need for sensitivity.

In contrast, having increased self esteem from having breast augmentation surgery often outweighs all the risks.  Just knowing that you look better in your clothes, that you can buy the styles that you want, that your body is in proportion and that you feel good about yourself is enough to move forward with a breast augmentation procedure.

The Implants

Before your procedure, you will have a consultation with your plastic surgeon.  You will have to decide what exactly you want your outcome to be and what type of implant you desire.  The main two choices are saline filled or silicone filled implants.

You have to be at least 22 years old to receive silicone implants.  Silicone implants move more like natural breasts.  It is possible to develop an implant leak with either type of implant you choose.  If a leak develops in a silicone filled implant, the silicone should stay in the implant itself.  With silicone, there needs to be occasional follow up with the surgeon to ensure that everything is remaining in place and intact.  Also, the incision required to place a silicone filled implant is larger than is required for a saline implant.

For saline implants, the saline is filled after it is placed in the breast so the incision is smaller.  Saline does not move or feel as natural as silicone, but if there is a leak, the saline is safely absorbed by the body.  Another advantage of saline is that the size may be adjusted after the implants are in place.  Saline can easily be added or taken out to achieve the desired size at any time.  Since silicone implants are filled before implanting changing the size is not an option unless they are removed.  Saline implants are less expensive than silicone implants.

The Procedure

Before the procedure you will have an in-depth consultation with your plastic surgeon.  You will discuss the type of implant, what you want the outcome (size and shape) to be and what the procedure will be like.  Typically, there are three places the surgeon may choose to make the incision in which they will insert the implant.  The incision could be at the bottom of the breast, the bottom of the areola or the armpit.

Recovery time is usually one week.  After a week, you should be back to normal activities.  There will be some discomfort after the procedure and minimal scarring that will continue to fade over time.

For more information please visit, <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href=" ">Breast Augmentation Los Angeles</a>.