Breast Augmentation Statistics For 2008

Breast augmentation statisticsfor 2008 were released on March 16, 2009 by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) . With the economy in a tailspin, the choice of breast augmentation has been remarkably resilient as the statistics show.

The statistics released today show that 355,671breast augmentationprocedures were performed in 2008, down just eleven percent from the year 2007. Considering the massive drop on Wall Street last year, the drive and desire for this popular surgery waned only slightly.

This is the first year in which fewer breast augmentation surgeries was done than the previous year, but in today’s economy it is not a surprise.

According to the statistics reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in early 2008, the trend toward breast augmentation had been on a steady increase since 1992. That report showed a stunning increase from 32,607 breast augmentations in 1992, to 315,616 in 2006, followed by 332,880 in 2007.

Statistics for breast augmentations performed in previous years were 291,350 in 2005, 264,041 in 2004. As recently as 2005, liposuction was the number one cosmetic surgery procedure, overshadowed in 2006 by breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is likely to be the leader in plastic surgery options for many years to come. It is one plastic surgery that has an immediate, noticeable impact while offering a natural appearance.

Women have chosen breast augmentation for many reasons, but the most common is simply a way to feel better about the size of their breasts. Studies have shown that very few women opt for their procedure to please a partner, or to attract a partner. Far and away the most common reason is for the purpose of feeling better about their bodies.