Breast enlargement surgery is not the first choice of many women who want to augment their bust size. There a few major factors that these women consider concerning this method. First, it is not as affordable as other techniques in enlarging the boobs. Breast implant or even the breast reconstruction is very costly. Not all women have the fortune to spend in this type of surgery. The doctor's fee, the implants, the anesthesiologist, and the facility fees are no joke.
The average range of breast surgery is $4,000 to $10,000. It is usually the doctor's fee and the material of the implant that make this procedure expensive. The common material used for this breast enlargement surgery is the saline-filled implant. The used of silicon has been banned by most countries because of its side effects. There are some who did not declare the other ingredients that comprised the implant material. So this is one of those factors that are being considered by most individuals too. Saline though according to them is a safer material than silicon, still you will never know if you might suffer surgical infection. Infection is very common to any kinds of surgery.
Rupture is one major risk that you need to face when you go for this method. Obviously, when this material come apart due to some impact or whatever cause may be like becoming an old material, the substances leak. Nobody has a solid proof that the substance may cause health related issues but for sure when harsh chemical is present, then what do you expect? The most common side effect is the deformation of the shape of your boobs. Aside from that, another surgery must be done to fix the rupture and remove the foreign elements inside.
Another thing that you need to consider before you take this option is that the material inserted inside your boobs. This may hinder the detection of breast tumor or even the growth of cancer cells. Some women who went through this procedure had revealed that your nipple may lose its sensation. Yes, this is possible because during the surgery your nerve endings had been damaged. However, there were a few ladies who mentioned that loss of sensation was only temporary. The list of side effects can go on with the breast enlargement surgery but the choice is still yours.