Benefits of Endoscopic Brow Lift

Endoscopic Brow Lift—A Procedure with Many Benefits

Endoscopic brow lift is a cosmetic treatment which benefits patients by accurately addressing the issues of drooping eyebrows and formation of frown lines. Many men and women now opt for this corrective procedure, which can bring about a remarkable transformation in your looks. In comparison with traditional brow lift, endoscopic brow lift is far less invasive. Wrinkles are effectively erased by raising the eyebrow line. The incisions made to lift the skin in endoscopic brow lift are smaller, and accordingly recovery is faster.

Relatively Pain-free with Few Signs of Surgical Intervention

The procedure requires only a few incisions, which are well concealed behind the hairline. This makes signs of surgical intervention or scarring inconspicuous. An endoscope, connected to a monitor, allows the plastic surgeon to see the underlying muscles and tissues, thereby making it easier to perform the procedure. The forehead looks smoother with firmer skin which contributes to a youthful looking face. The results are long lasting and patients most probably won't require a repeat procedure. Moreover, patients don't sense much discomfort in the form of pain, itching or other associated irritations.

Find Out If You Are a Candidate for Endoscopic Brow Lift

The procedure is best undergone when initial signs of aging set in. As safe anesthetics are used without side effects and patients being able to resume work sooner, one should hardly find any reason to refrain from this rejuvenating treatment. Endoscopic brow lift benefits those who require relatively less facial lift and minimal skin removal. A board certified plastic surgeon can help you determine whether you are a candidate for endoscopic brow lift. Patients have to strictly adhere to the plastic surgeon's advice/instructions, to benefit fully from the procedure.