Why Should Plastic Surgery be Allowed and not Banned

There are people who think that the boom in plastic surgery is unhealthy to the point of being unethical. What does it say about people who believe that in order to be attractive or worthwhile they must have certain physical characteristics? Why do so many perfectly beautiful Asian women feel like they must have eyelids with a crease? Why do so many perfectly "normal" American women believe the need slimmer thighs and larger breasts?

There are certainly risks associated with any surgical procedure, and the operations are quite expensive. But most plastic surgery patients know quite a bit about the procedures they elect to have due to the proliferation of television shows and internet sites on the subject. For anybody contemplating plastic surgery, it is important to know that in the U.S., in order to be a plastic surgeon, a physician has to: attend at least three years of progressive clinical training in general surgery after receiving a medical degree; go through an accredited two to three year program in plastic surgery; and pass a comprehensive written and oral exam in plastic surgery.

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, however, doctors sometimes learn these through workshops or even videotapes. There is also the matter of "board certification." The problem is, there are any number of "boards" the doctor can claim certification with, but the one that really means something is the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, which is the only certifying board for plastic surgery recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Should adults be prevented from having /?incoming=googlead&gclid=CNGtl-OOmZ0CFV2X2AodtFNhTw" plastic surgery ? Like it or not, people do things they ought not all the time, and some people may consider plastic surgery as something people ought not do. Are they hurting anybody by doing it? The most likely person they'll hurt is themselves if things do not go as planned.

There are those rare cases where people die while undergoing plastic surgery . Best selling novelist Olivia Goldsmith and Donde West, mother of hip-hop star Kanye West are two women who died having plastic surgery, and obviously other people - family and friends - were hurt by their choice. But you have to consider the risks that people take every day, like driving long distances to work, smoking cigarettes, or drinking too much alcohol. These risks are well known, and yet people make those choices all the time. Banning plastic surgery would be akin to banning anything that has similar risks, and there is as yet no outcry to do that.