Natural Breast Lifting Exercises - Natural Breast Enhancement Exercises

/? 020710" Natural Breast Lifting Exercises

While there is no way to naturally alter the fatty tissue that make up the breasts, you do have the ability to tone the muscles which lie just beneath them. By performing a series of pectoral exercises three to four times per week, you can effectively obtain a fuller, perkier, and larger bust.Natural Breast Lifting Exercises


Begin by laying flat on your stomach on the floor or an exercise mat. Put your body weight onto your palms and thighs while bending your knees. Next, make sure your hands are inline with your shoulders and be sure your back is straight. Bend your elbows and lower your body just enough to create a 90 degree angle. Then push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat.

Once you've mastered this modified version of the push up, move your weight completely to your toes and palms so that your body is straight and repeat the process. You can also experiment by changing the overall location of the hands and feet for incline and decline pushups.

Cable Crossovers

Put yourself in the center of the machine with a handle placed in each hand. Bend your knees slightly, and be sure to straighten your back. Pull the cables toward your chest until they are able to cross, and alternate by pulling them directly downward. Make sure to adjust the weight of the cables prior to beginning the exercise. /? 020710" Natural Breast Lifting Exercises

Resistance Band Bench Press

Begin by wrapping a resistance band underneath an aerobic step or workout bench. Lie your body flat on the surface and place a handle in each hand. Raise each are into the air while bending both elbows slightly. Each hand should be over the shoulders drawing an invisible line from each fist to it's corresponding shoulder. Lower the bands by bending each elbow until the fists are able to touch the shoulders and push back out.

Chest Dips

Place yourself between the dip bars and grab the handles. Push yourself up in a way that your body is hanging while your arms remain straight. Flex your abdomen while bending your knees. Next, slowly lower your body as low as you can by way of bending your elbows. Return to starting position. Repeat.

By taking the time and making the effort to do these simple exercises, over time many people see an increase in bust size and overall health. /? 020710" Natural Breast Lifting Exercises