There is now little you can't have changed about your appearance should you choose to. Here are some of the weird and wonderful procedures now available via many cosmetic surgeons;

· Hand Enhancement – surgeons can now give your hands a much more youthful appearance. Many of us concentrate on our faces but fail to consider the other parts of our body that can give the game away – the hands being one of them. The procedure which lasts for approximately 40 minutes involves injecting dermal fillers into the hands.

· Botox foot and armpit treatment – Botox applied to the under arm area can stop perspiration for 6-10 months and can also be applied to the soles of the feet to give the same effect.

· Toe lengthening/shortening – some people are now resorting to cosmetic surgery to have their toes shortened or lengthened if they do not match. It is quite common to have one toe longer than the big toe and this can easily be corrected so you can wear those open toed shoes with confidence.

· Rib resection – patients can have the "floating ribs" removed (those at the bottom of the rib cage) to make their waist appear smaller.

There are many other weird and wonderful procedures now being applied and constantly researched. If your knuckles are too masculine you can have the bone shaved to make them appear smoother, sagging contours can be plumped with dermal filling agents and small lines and wrinkles can be a thing of the past should you choose to throw a little money at them.

One thing you should remember when thinking about any form of cosmetic surgery is to look for a qualified and experienced surgeon. You can perform a search in most major search engines for phrases like " cosmetic surgery uk " to return the most popular companies.