The Stubborn Tummy Pouch- What Can Help?Exercise and diet are the healthiest methods of staying in shape. However, there are many men and women who are bothered by the persistent tummy pooch despite diet and exercise. A number of women complain that after pregnancy they developed an abdominal bulge that would not go away no matter how much they diet or exercise. What causes this stubborn tummy pooch? Three basic changes may be observed in people with abdominal bulges: Stretched skin occurs in people who gained or lost weight or more commonly following pregnancy. Today there is no effective way to tighten the sagging abdominal skin other than having it surgically removed. This procedure is known as a " target="_self" tummy tuck Los Angeles or abdominoplasty. A Los Angeles plastic surgeon will place an incision for a tummy tuck low so that the scar can be hidden behind underwear. Fat accumulation in the abdominal area can also be resistant to diet and exercise. In such cases, unwanted fat can be removed with liposuction or a tummy tuck. Vladimir Grigoryants, MD |