Chin and Cheek Implants Gaining Popularity

In Western culture, the face is the only part of the body that is continually on display. Most people want to ensure that their faces look as good and as young as possible. The chin and cheeks are some of the most prominent features of the face, and are commonly treated by a number of cosmetic procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons chin and cheek augmentation surgeries are becoming more popular. In ?url=/commonspot/security/getfile.cfm&PageID=23628" 2006 , more than 8,000 cheek implants, and 14,000 chin augmentations were performed.

Thanks to improvements in technology, a wide variety of synthetic materials can be used to sculpt the cheeks and chins into the most desirable appearances. Silicone elastomers can be placed under the skin and feel very natural as cheek implants.

Chin surgery

The chin may undergo either a reduction or augmentation depending on the desired results. In a chin reduction, the surgeon may remove or shave off part of the lower jawbone. The bone is shaped to the desired proportions and any excess skin is removed. In some case the mandible may be cut and slid backwards to create a shorter jaw line, which is then held together with screws.

During chin augmentation, bone, or synthetic material may be used to create a new chin or jaw line. In some cases where the chin is very sunken, the jawbone may be cut and extended to create a more prominent chin.

There are a variety of natural and synthetic materials available to build up areas of the chin to give the patient the desired appearance.

Natural options include:

· Bone grafts

· Fat transfers

· Tissue grafts

These natural fillers and grafts could be autololgous, meaning donated form some other part of your body, or may be donated by a cadaver. Natural fillers and grafts are less effective over time because these materials may break down and be reabsorbed by the body.

Synthetic materials include:

· AlloDerm

· Silicone

· Injectable pastes

Some synthetic materials may require skin testing to rule out allergic reactions prior to use.

Cheek augmentation

This procedure adds natural or synthetic materials to the cheek in order to fill up hollow areas in the cheek or correct asymmetry in facial features. Cheek augmentation is often performed in conjunction with other procedures like rhinoplasty in order to preserve a good overall appearance and achieve balance in the facial features.

In some cases, synthetic implants, similar to the ones listed above for chin augmentation, are inserted under the skin. These implants are typically inserted from inside the mouth, hiding potential scars. Other options to add fullness to the cheeks are with the use of Injectable fillers.

Injectable fillers may include:

· Collagen

· Restylane

· Juvederm

· And others

In some cases, the type of filler may require skin testing to ensure the patient is not allergic to the product.