Permanent Fuller Lip Solution: the Lip LiftThe “trout pout” popularized by Hollywood starlets may be questionable to some on the outside of this look, but it has certainly put lips front and center. Rather than focusing on other parts of the body, it can be hard to look past those lips. Still, some people may feel a little envious of these full sized lips. It is the perception that full lips indicate youthfulness, as well as a kind of coy playfulness, and outright sexiness to different degrees. When this is how lips are thought of, it isn’t hard to understand why so many might want to change their own. As we age, the flesh on our faces begins to lose its tightness as it loses elasticity and the bones recede. While jowls and drooping eyes are part of the hanging flesh, the upper lip actually begins to thin and atrophy. Some people are simply born with a thin upper lip. Both may affect the way your smile looks. There have been a few ways to augment the lips through the help of plastic surgeons. Injectable fillers or BOTOX® Cosmetic and lip implants may help for a little while, but they are not permanent solutions, especially injectable fillers and BOTOX. The effects begin to fade after several months and must be redone. Lip implants will last longer, but there may be some who don’t want to place something completely foreign in the lip that will last for longer than a few months. The lip lift is a permanent solution to regaining the fullness of lips without resorting to fillers or implants, however, you can still undergo these procedures as well. What the Lip Lift can Do The lip lift elevates the lip and increases the vermilion (pink part of the lip), which gives you a broader smile. It can also add to the poutiness of lips associated with younger people. The lip lift procedure is fairly straightforward and can be performed in your plastic surgeon’s office under local anesthetic. An incision is made just beneath the patient’s nose and a small strip of skin and tissue is removed. The lip is then elevated to its new position. Teeth are exposed by about an eighth of an inch more than they were and the volume of the upper lip is increased. If increasing the volume of your upper lip to create a bolder smile sounds appealing to you, please visit the website of Chicago, Illinois board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Otto Placik to set up an initial consultation. |