Blepharoplasty for Lifting Droopy Eyelids

Towards a More Younger Looking You

Age no doubt brings wisdom but it also affects health and changes the way one looks. The condition of droopy eyelids is quite common among older people. Youngsters may also be affected by the problem, also called ptosis, due to body chemistry or genetic reasons. Are your drooping eyelids not only obstructing your vision but also making you look more aged than you actually are? Do you often feel that your eye area could do with some enhancement? If yes, chances are that blepharoplasty would give you exactly what you’re looking for.

Goodbye to Drooping Eyelids

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is surgery done to get rid of the surplus skin, muscle or fat in the upper and lower eyelids. In this procedure, incisions are made along the natural lines of the eyelids, the folds of the upper lids and in the area below the lower lid eyelashes. Blepharoplasty doesn’t just involve removing what’s not wanted; the surrounding tendons and muscles would also be reinforced, and the drooping eyebrow repositioned. Vision that was earlier distorted because of the sagging eyelids will be improved following the surgery. Eyelid surgery can also make right:

•    Dark shadows
•    Fat bags below the eyes

Aesthetic and Functional Benefits

Blepharoplasty can meet the needs of the patient well, irrespective of whether his/her needs are aesthetic or functional. How effective the eyelid surgery is in lifting the drooping eyelids would depend on factors such as eyelid anatomy, the adjacent soft and bony tissue, and the age and skin quality of the patient.

Provided that you’re well aware of the risks, eyelid surgery has much to offer in terms of returning lost youthful contour to your face and giving you a more animated look.