Is the Price Right? the Cost of Cosmetic Surgery

Considering the correction of sagging eyelids or the removal of extra cellulite? Are you convinced that changing a small feature on your face will give you more confidence? Take careful thought; the cost of cosmetic surgery may include risks that will surprise you.

Cosmetic surgery is an invasive procedure, and involves a certain amount of risk. For example, persons who have plastic surgery may have difficulty with excessive bleeding or blood clots during the operation. These complications may require blood transfusions or other medications.

Another rare but disastrous complication is scarring. The procedure itself leaves tiny scars behind the ears and at the hairline. If a person develops complications or experiences delayed healing, scars that are more visible may result.

Furthermore, even competent physicians make occasional mistakes, and a tiny slip can sever a nerve and paralyze a muscle or body part. For example, Lasik surgery has recently been receiving bad press because of postoperative complications. In fact, many researchers are beginning to question whether the actual risk of complications such as blindness, infection, and eye dryness are much higher than was previously reported.

The use of Botox injections is another cosmetic procedure that was initially hailed as an amazingly successful cure for wrinkles. Some persons even received these injections in an attempt to treat chronic migraine headaches. Recently, however, reports have begun to surface of people who have experienced facial paralysis because of receiving Botox injections.

Medical complications are rare, but they do occur. Understand fully the details of the surgery and attempt to determine the level of risk involved before you elect to proceed with the surgery. Even a single complication can have serious effects on your physical appearance.

Another aspect of cost is the price of the surgery. The American economy is struggling, and many people don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on cosmetic surgery. Despite this, the number of cosmetic procedures performed annually has quadrupled in the last decade. Many people seem to be convinced that changes in their physical appearance will improve their lives no matter what the cost.

If the benefits you expect to reap outweigh the cost of cosmetic surgery, do your research. Find a trustworthy physician, and make sure that you have enough money to pay for, and recover from the surgery. Notify your doctor immediately at the first sign of any complication, and pay careful attempt to the instructions given you by your surgeon.