Do You Know What To Expect After Your Breast Lift Procedure?

In any type of surgery, you can prepare yourself to be happy with your results by having realistic expectations. Research thoroughly what to expect during every step of the surgery and your recovery process. Some women are so concerned about the surgical procedure that they don't prepare themselves adequately for the recovery.

Every surgery takes time to recover from and a breast lift is no different. You must prepare yourself mentally and physically for a slow-paced recovery. Most important to your recovery is explicitly following your surgeon's instructions. Complications, poor surgery results, and excessive scarring are most often due to the patient ignoring her surgeon's instructions.

You will not bounce back in a day or two from this invasive surgery. Your breasts will be swollen, bruised, and painful. This usually lasts for three to four weeks. During this time, you must not sleep on your stomach. You will also need to take sponge baths. These instructions are to help avoid damaging your sutures. Your surgeon will prescribe a painkiller for as long as you are feeling discomfort.

Your will be ordered to wear a special surgical bra for at least three days after surgery. After that, you can switch to wearing a sports bra for the three or four weeks of your recovery. Again, this is to help prevent damage to your sutures.

Most patients are cleared to return to work within ten days after the surgery, depending upon the physical requirements of their job. You cannot lift your arms over your shoulder level or lift excessive heavy weights. Any activity that strains the chest and breast muscles can cause bleeding or swelling, which will hinder the healing process.

Smoking is a very bad practice for anyone contemplating surgery. It hinders your lung function, blood circulation, your immune system, and the elasticity of your skin. Most likely your surgeon will advise you to stop smoking at least a month prior to the surgery, and during the length of your recovery.

Common sense is the most important key for a smooth and speedy recovery. Rest as much as possible. Do not smoke. Do not over exert yourself. Follow your surgeon's instructions. It sounds simple but, unbelievably, some women pay all the money for the surgery and suffer through the procedure, only to ignore some of their doctor's instructions. Then they scream and blame him because they end up with complications or excessive scarring. Do not be one of those women. Heed your surgeon's instructions. You will be the one to benefit with a quick recovery.

You can find all kinds of information online about breast lift surgery, but do not make your decision based on that. You do not know how old that information is, or if it applies specifically to you. Instead, make an appointment with an expert - a plastic surgeon that is board-certified in breast lifts and knows the latest in cutting-edge technological advances. Most surgeons do not charge for the initial consultation, and are happy to educate you on the entire process. In effect, you will be interviewing him, and he will be selling you on what he can do and what results you can expect. Bring a list of questions, and do not forget to take notes.

This article is not medical advice and is by no means complete in every detail of what you can expect after breast lift surgery.