We hear many stories concerning the latest celebrity to go under the surgeon's knife and this certainly adds weight to the youth centred culture we find ourselves in today. Occasionally there will be a story of a surgical procedure that's gone wrong, take the story of Lesley ash and her dermal filling procedure that went disastrously wrong or perhaps the case of the woman who was given silicon to inject at home by an unscrupulous surgeon. The reporting of these botched procedures it seems is a rarity though and hundreds of operations if not more are botched each year by surgeons who are lacking in experience and who fail to take medical records into consideration. There are many cosmetic surgery companies listed online and one can seem as good as another but not all of them operate to a high standard and many are not accredited members of important British surgical associations such as BAPRAS (British association of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons) or BAAPS (British association of aesthetic plastic surgeons). One high profile case saw a patient suffering from a post operative stroke after undergoing the procedure despite suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure). This left the patient with permanent mobility problems and speech impairment meaning she now needs care for the rest of her lifetime. It is important to remember that there are many cosmetic surgery companies you can trust, you just need to ensure that firstly they are not newly established and that secondly they have a good record of patient safety. If you ensure you opt for a UK company or surgeon accredited with one or both of the above associations you will be able to go forward with any procedure safe in the knowledge you will be in the best of hands. If you are considering cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK such as breast augmentation you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure this plastic surgery runs smoothly. |