Ayurveda Concept of Sexual Intercourse

Ayurveda believes that sex is a natural biological drive and to deprive oneself out of it may throw him/her out of balance. We are all aware that food and water are the basic requirement to exist in this world, in the same manner everyone needs sex.

Sexual intercourse involves all the five senses sight, sound, smell, taste and touch and it is believed to be an elaborate process of mutual stimulation gifted to man kind by Nature. It views love making as a union of body, mind and soul which is a more fulfilling experience and it also acts as an emotional bond between husband and wife.

According to Ayurveda, intercourse is the divine process and enjoying it in a relaxed manner leads to a healthy offspring. Pure body and a calm mind is a must for an effective intercourse. Parents mental state during the intercourse plays a great role in the overall health of the offspring and ayurveda advises one to undergo a purification therapy that flushes out the doshic imbalance, thereby resulting in a better sex life.

Kapha, one of the tridohas is responsible for keeping up the sexual vigour. Rasa and Shukra are among the seven tissues that help in sexual feelings. Doshic state of parents at the time of conception too influences the child.

By taking some aphrodisiac before entering into a sexual intercourse, the quality and quantity of the semen is promoted and the sexual enjoyment is enhanced. Shukra Stambhaka are the ayuredic drugs that are used to increase the span of love making.

The reproductive tissues are the essence of all dhatus ( tissue elements) which has the power to create life. Sexual intercourse is believed by ayurveda to creat a new life and bring back youthfulness to the couples. It emphasis that during intercourse, the couple's attention should be focused on the breathing, mind and the semen through which all the three levels of human being viz physical, mental and emotional are being acted upon and intercourse becomes a love meditation.

Ayurveda, an age old tradition of Indian medical system, emphasis sex to be an integral part of our daily life (dinacharya) and the satisfaction one derives out of it, is being spilled over his other areas of life. It points out the factors influencing the sexual intercourse as below :

a) Both the partners should have a strong feeling that they need each other physically, emotionally and spiritually at the time of intercourse.

b) Men is to approach his women with calm, cool, collected disposition and in an unfrustrated manner, so that her mood too is set up and a condusive atmosphere for an effective lovemaking is created.

c) Their mental and physical health should be robust in order to have a maximum enjoyment during intercourse.

d) Take care that the atmosphere is beautiful, clean, peaceful which seduces the sense organs. Also bathing before coitus/burning incense sticks/using scents rouses ones mood.

e) Best time suitable for intercourse is midnight or after 2 hours having dinner, as it considered as the best time for intimacy (kapha time).

f) A total involvement and enjoyment in a fore play before sexual intercourse, by involving the five senses (touch, smell, see, hear etc.,) increases the intimacy and a prolonged love making.

g) Each couple's requirement for sex varies depending upon their body constitution and seasons. It is believed that kapha types has more sexual intercourse than the other two types viz pitta and vata.

h) Bad mood, stressed mind, anxiety, low self esteem, feeling bad of oneself, fear of not able to perform well or not able to satisfy the partner are the other factors affecting the coitus.

i) Take care to solve any misunderstanding with your partner, resolve any anger against one another and try to improve communicating with each other what exactly one enjoys from other.

j) Partners should refrain themselves from intercourse during menses, pregnancy, illness or after a heavy meal.