The Best Home Remedies for Wart Removal

If you have warts, it is considerably worthwhile that you are aware of all the various different treatments that are available for wart removal. From salicylic acid to liquid nitrogen, there are many effective ways to deal with your warts, but there is also the option of using home remedies for wart removal.

Home remedies for wart removal can be just as successful at treating and removing warts as the more severe treatments, and typically without the pain and uncomfortable side effects.

"One of the most commonly used treatments for warts is salicylic acid"

The Selection

There are many different home remedies for wart removal that are available and one is apple cider vinegar, which is not only used for wart removal but a variation of other conditions as well. All you need to do with the apple cider vinegar is to soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and then hold it in place on the wart with a bandaid.

You will generally need to do this several times before the wart is removed, but it is usually a very successful treatment.

"Another of the most effective and best wart treatment options is known as cyrotherapy"

Duct tape is another of the most effective home remedies for wart removal. Duct tape or even scotch tape has been used to remove warts in the past, and all you do is put some directly over the wart and it should be gone in a week or two.

You can also use a combination of the apple cider vinegar and duct tape for preferred chances of success here.

"Keep in mind that the severity of your wart and the length of time that you have had it for will play a major factor in the treatment that you should use"

Another of the popular home remedies for wart removal is cabbage. Many people have claimed that raw cabbage or cabbage juice, when added to the diet, will aid to cure warts. The exact reason for this is actually unknown but it has proven time and time again to be a very successful treatment for the removal of warts.

The best way to come to a conclusion on which of these home remedies is going to be best for you is to speak to a professional, such as a doctor or a professional in the world of alternative medicine.

" A viral wart is typically caused by the human papillomavirus which is extremely common around the world"

They will most likely take a look at your warts and possibly even perform a few routine tests in order to decide which treatment they think is going to be most effective for you.

No matter how many warts you have and how unsightly they may be, it is ascendant that you take the time to choose the right treatment before going ahead with any.