Why Go For Facelift Surgery for MenIn today's world, where time is at premium, it is not easy to find time to take care of one looks. For men who must survive the cut throat competition in the corporate world, the first causality is their appearance. The stress of keeping pace with increasing demands from family and career fastens the signs of aging. Genetics and other environmental factors like pollution also contribute towards making your face appear tired and depressed. Taking the advantage of medical advancement, numerous men today opt forfacelift surgeryto get back their youthful and spirited looks. Facelift surgeryis common enough procedure favoured by both women and men to minimize if not completely eliminate the signs of aging. You can effectively get rid of loose skin, wrinkles and furrows especially around your eyes and forehead to look more attractive. In this procedure, plastic surgeon makes tiny incisions to tighten the loose muscles of face and neck. To achieve a sharp couture and smoother surface, loose folds of skin and fat underneath it is removed. A small incision is made just below the chin to make the flaccid muscles of neck taut. Since sutures are required, thefacelift surgeryis performed under local or general anaesthesia to minimize pain and discomfort. Normally the procedure takes about three to four hours. The best thing aboutfacelift surgeryis that you have a choice to opt for a complete facelift or go for treatment of only specific problem areas like chin, jaw-line and neck or brow area and forehead. If you are looking for a procedure to perk up your appearance along with improving your vision then Blepharoplasty surgery is exactly what you are looking for. If you have loose skin over and around your eyes which make you look sleepy and hamper your vision then this surgery will help. It also take years off your face and make you look much younger. Blepharoplasty surgeryincludes removing fat, tissue, and skin from the eyelids to make them lighter and prevent them from drooping. It also takes care of baggy skin or pouches under the eyes. To ensure perfect results get the surgery done from a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Jennifer Levine. She will ascertain the best course of treatment for you and deliver outstanding results. |