The Ins and Outs of Breast Reduction Surgery

For many women the dream is to have larger breasts but for some the opposite is in fact the problem. The size of a woman's breasts is of course partly down to genetics but factors such as weight gain and pregnancy can also take their toll on this area.

The surgery isn't advisable until a patient has passed into maturity and of course maintains a stable weight. The procedure itself will need to take place under a general anaesthetic and will usually last for 2-4 hours. After the surgery you will most probably need to stay in the hospital for 2-4 days to receive post operative care.

One of a variety of incision sites will be used which can range from an opening around the nipple, underneath the breast or a vertical scar running down from the nipple. Excess fat along with tissue and some breast tissue will be removed to give the breast a new smaller and firmer shape. The nipple will usually be moved up to give the appearance of more youthful breasts.

If you make sure you use a reputable and experienced surgeon you should receive the best of care during and after the procedure. Depending on your age you may be asked to undergo some simple blood tests and a mammogram to ensure you are healthy before you undergo the procedure.

After you have received the procedure you should expect to find the area carefully and tightly bandaged and drainage tubes will have been inserted to allow any excess fluid to drain from the area. The drains will usually be removed after a couple of days and if non dissolvable sutures have been used these will be removed after approximately 10 days. The area will of course be tender for several weeks or longer but the results will speak for themselves once you are fully recuperated.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK such as breast reduction surgery you should seek an accredited surgeon who is registered with BAPRAS or BAAPS to ensure this plastic surgery runs smoothly.