Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed for women who have either unusually small breasts, or uneven breasts to alter their appearance and begin taking pride in how they look. It is very hard for women who have small breasts to feel attractive and be confident in their appearance because we live in such a superficial society. If you don't have the right looks, often it cannot only affect your social life, but in some cases it may even affect your business life. As unfair as this may seem, it is an unfortunate truth.

In some cases, a woman may not have unusually small breasts. She may, instead, just wish to enlarge the ones she has to make them more attractive in her eyes, or more proportionate to the rest of her body. In these cases, breast augmentation is also a viable option. Here are some typical reasons that women elect to undergo breast augmentation surgery.

· Breasts never fully developed during puberty

· Weight loss or pregnancy has reduced volume and altered their shape

· Breasts are uneven

· Improve the overall breast shape

· Enlarge breasts to a more desirable size

The Right Choice

It is very important that you consider breast augmentation surgery very seriously before making any final decisions. You need to discuss the details of your procedure in depth with your cosmetic surgeon in order to determine if breast augmentation surgery is right for you.

Your surgeon will want to discuss such factors as your desired shape and size of breasts in relation to the size and shape that would be most appropriate for your body frame and body shape. Your reasons for wanting surgery will also be a subject for discussion to better determine what the results of your procedure should be.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Risks

Any surgical procedure involves some level of risk. Factors such as anesthesia, swelling, bleeding and infection are an unavoidable part of all procedures. Provided you choose your cosmetic surgeon carefully and follow all directions before and after your procedure, the level of risk is relatively low for breast augmentation surgery. Be sure to discuss specific risks related to your type of surgery thoroughly during your initial consultation.

Breast Augmentation Implant Options

Once you have chosen to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you and your cosmetic surgeon must determine which type of implants will best suit your needs. Implant types include saline or silicone. Once the type of implant is determined, you must choose what size, shape and texture will achieve your desired results. Finally, the best method of implant placement for you will be discussed.

Each of these factors is important in deciding the best way to proceed with your breast implant surgery. A qualified and caring cosmetic surgeon will be more than happy to take as much time as is needed for you to fully understand and be comfortable with your procedure.

The important thing to remember when considering breast augmentation surgery is that it must be a decision you are making for yourself. It is your body and your self-esteem that will be affected by the procedure. Be sure you are healthy and have realistic expectations before undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery procedure.