Do You Feel Breast Enhancement Could Benefit You?

Many women feel that they have a lack of femininity because of their breast size; some feel that even though they may not have a small breast that they could benefit from a larger and fuller breast. Here at pure aesthetics we cater for both types of women, and can help you along your way to regaining that femininity that you desire through breast augmentation surgery (breast implants).

Breast implants is fast becoming the most common surgical procedure that women undertake, whether it's to compliment a fuller figure, or just to leave you with the confidence that you sometimes can get from fuller breasts we can help.

Breast implants are most commonly used to alter the shape and size of the breast, they can be used to make them bigger, firmer or shapelier, and depending on your circumstances any of these 3 options could be for you. They can be used to enhance a woman's body contour and also correct an imbalanced breast size.

Breast augmentation is safe and can more than often leave a woman feeling pleased with the surgery and her appearance improves almost instantaneously. Surgery will be undertaken under a general anaesthetic and usually an overnight stay is advised. Recovery time depends on each individual patient and you will be advised of this when you come into the surgery for a consultation.

Breast implants are made from either a silicone based implant or a saline based implant, both have a thin layer of firm and tough silicone, but the difference lies in the filling of the implant, saline is a salt water solution whereas silicone is a sticky gel.

Book your consultation today to improve your body through breast implants and feel the benefits straight away.