Botox is a protein that inactivates the nerves which normally would cause a muscle to contract. It has been used to treat spastic muscle disorders for many years. It is extremely safe and has no known long-term side effects. It’s use for cosmetic purposes to treat wrinkles has been around for close to 10 years and over 1 million individuals have been treated. Using a tiny needle, it is administered with multiple injections just under the skin. Immediately after treatment, small red bumps may appear at the injection site, but will usually resolve within 15 minutes.

What is it used for?

Botox has been used very successfully for the treatment of wrinkles on the forehead, glabella (area between the brows), and crowsfeet (wrinkles adjacent to the outer eyes). One of the added benefits is that treatment of any of these areas can help to elevate the outer parts of the brow. This is referred to as the “brow lift.” Most individuals are quite pleased with the brow lift as it creates a more pleasing arch in the brow. Other areas of the face can also be treated, but need to be approached with caution, since the results can sometimes be less predictable.

How does it work?

After Botox has been injected into the desired areas, it takes several days to a week for the muscle to become inactive. Then, depending upon the depth and severity of a wrinkle, it will take from several days up to several months for a wrinkle to completely resolve. The resolution of the wrinkle actually depends upon the natural elasticity of the skin. Botox has only a temporary effect and needs to be readministered approximately every 3-4 months.

How much do I need?

The average dose for glabella, crowsfeet, or forehead is approximately 20 units in each area. However, this can vary depending upon the size and strength of the muscles and how severe the wrinkles are in the area. Dr. Su and his staff will provide guidance and will always be conservative with a new client.


Dermal fillers are substances which can be used to elevate and eliminate wrinkles in the skin, or to fill in deeper crevices or depressions on the face with the intention of making the face smoother and more youthful. These fillers are substances that can be injected by syringe into skin or just underneath it. Over the past 10 years there has been an evolution of materials used. Initially, collagen from various animal and human sources were used. These products had a lifespan of about 3-6 months and required allergy testing. About five years ago, hyaluronic acid fillers became available and mostly replaced the use of collagen due to the longer effect of 6-9 months. Now, there are injectable materials that stimulate natural formation of collagen and these newer fillers are lasting 2-5 years.

What are they used for?

Dermal fillers can be placed just about anywhere in the skin. Hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederm) is a natural component of skin which makes it very safe and versatile. Therefore, the use of fillers is vast, and, in many cases, is up to the skills and artistry of the person injecting them. Dr. Su has had extensive training and personal experience in performing fillers. It is one of his favorite procedures and one that he is exceptional at.


Expected improvements include fullness, loss of vertical lines, more definition, as well as turning unwanted “frowns” into smiles, asymmetry can also be corrected

Facial folds and wrinkles –

Almost all areas can be filled or treated to make the face more youthful, however mild wrinkles may be hard to improve.

Cheek bones –

One of the effects of aging can be flattened or sunken cheeks which results in a tired or sullen look. When this is corrected, an individual looks more rested, youthful, and happy. Some people have never had prominent cheek bones. With fillers, the cheeks can be enhanced or built up non-surgically giving a very natural look.

Tear troughs –

The area under the eyes can often have a dark circle or depression that is genetic or due to aging. This creates a tired and unhappy look. This is an area that responds very well to fillers.

Facial jowels–

The fat pad of the cheek can drop over time creating the look of a “jowel” along the jaw line. This can be easily hidden or camouflaged with fillers.

Chin –

The chin can be augmented with fillers to be more prominent. Fillers are a great alternative to a surgical implant.

Nose –

Some irregularities of the nose, including dips, can be filled to restore the symmetry or hollow areas

Scars –

Scars that are depressed can often respond to elevation with a easily filler. In some cases of severe acne scarring, the depressed areas can be improved.

Hands -

The back of aged hands that have lost fat over time can appear “bony” and have a prominent appearance of veins. To correct the problem, fillers can be injected easily into this area.

Liquid Face Lift -

This is a term that is becoming more popular and refers to a complete facial rejuvenation through the use of fillers. It often involves filling of the major folds on the face, restoring and volumizing the lips, as well as correcting other features of aging especially the cheeks and jowels. This is a relatively painless one-hour procedure which can result in someone easily looking 10 years younger.

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Dermal fillers