Hi Def Body Sculpting in Manhattan

Hi def body sculpting is an advanced and technologically superior cosmetic procedure that ensures an attractive body contour. Some of the prominent plastic surgeons who specialize in liposuction have introduced hi def body sculpting in Manhattan using SmartLipo Triplex. This comes at a time when people are constantly on the lookout for a safe and result-oriented alternative for ineffectual diet and exercise regimes.

SmartLipo Triplex is not just any minimally device which gets rid of fat and contours the body. It is a sophisticated lipolysis workstation which makes use of triple wavelength laser energy (1440, 1064 and 1320 nm) to reveal the muscular definition hidden by superficial and deep fat. It goes without saying that it is a giant leap forward when compared to traditional lipolysis and other energy assisted devices.

This device manufactured by Cynosure uses Multiplex technology and is an improved variant of SmartLipo MPX. With new features and functions, such as SmartSense™ with ThermaGuide™, operating at high standards, patients can expect nothing less than excellence in results.

Plastic surgeons who provide this treatment are skilled in their profession and put this device to the best use. The technology, well known for its precision and uniform delivery of energy, stands unparalleled for addressing the issues of patient's comfort and safety. Stubborn fat from almost all parts of the body can be suctioned out after being emulsified. The treatment is quick and patients feel little or no pain since the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. In addition to instant results, patients enjoy the minimal downtime which allows them to resume work in a few days' time.

Abdominal etching for six pack abs is also provided through hi def body sculpting in Manhattan. SmartLipo triplex has captivated the attention of men and women who have always wanted customized treatment. Plastic surgeons with their experience and skill can now use this latest technology to the advantage of their patients.