Teenagers and Rhinoplasty Surgery

Southern Californians are often pressured to have "movie-star" looks. The ideals created by the media have been and continue to be emulated by people everywhere.This sentiment is especially important in the case of teenagers. Teens are already self-conscious but in Southern California they are more so because of the pressure to look a certain way. The most popular surgery for teenagers in America is a nose job. This is because, unlike other parts of the body and face, the nose stops growing at about age 14 for girls and 16 for boys. It has even become a tradition in many parts of the country to give nose jobs as graduation gifts for teenagers. This can certainly positively affect a person's self esteem. On the other hand, many Beverly Hills plastic surgeon s will say that having plastic surgery too early causes many teenagers to regret their decision later.

When it comes to teenagers, it is very important for plastic surgeons to asses both physical and mental maturity before agreeing to do the surgery. Many teenagers don't think about the fact that plastic surgery procedures are permanent. Just because it seems like a good idea at the moment doesn't mean that they will think it was a good idea in 5 years. In an article from CNN, Sabrina Weiss, a young adult talks about the nose job she got when she was 17. She thought it would be a great confidence-booster. Although the surgery was done well, she was immediately regretful about her decision. In the interview, she tells CNN that she still misses her old nose and wishes her parents had not let her get the procedure. She advises parents to tell their teenaged children to wait a few years and see if they still want to get the procedure in their 20s. When visiting their plastic surgeon Los Angeles teenagers often have unrealistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery. For example, the teen will not just walk out of the operating room with a transformed personality. A shy person who has trouble making friends will not automatically become a confident, sociable person just because of a nose job. On the other hand, some teenagers do benefit immensely from rhinoplasty surgery. It is a good "new beginning" for teens who are about to start college and make new friends. It really depends on the person and it is important to speak with the surgeon to determine if the surgery is right for them.

In addition, some Beverly Hills rhinoplasty surgeons suggest that teenagers requesting rhinoplasty surgery could be suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Body Dysmorphic Disorder, also called BDD, is a chronic mental illness in which one intensely obsesses about their appearance or a certain flaw in their appearance. The flaw is often exaggerated and the person obsesses about fixing it, often by means of plastic surgery. It is usually very emotionally distressing to the person. After visiting a %20angeles%20nose%20reshaping(rhinoplasty).htm" rhinoplasty surgeon Los Angeles teens are often referred to counseling. This is a way better method of treating BDD in teenagers as it helps them to accept their body as it is.