Rapid Recovery Facelift

More and more patients are seeking out procedures which minimize recuperation allowing them to get back earlier in the swing of things.  For that reason, many lunchtime procedures have become popular.  In fact, of the 11.7 million cosmetic procedures performed, over 75% are botox and filler procedures.  However, while these "lunchtime procedures" have an undeniable role in youth restoration and preservation, their role in turning back the hands of time is limited in specific areas such as a sagging neck or jawline.  The answer to this problem still remains a surgical procedure a neck or facelift.

Patients wishing to have a short cut have begun to embrace the "minilift".  While the minilift sounds less invasive, many patients are left with unsubstantial results not justifying any savings in time or recovery.

Using advances in knowledge of anatomy and healing, Dr. Shah has developed a method of facelift which allows a more rapid recovery.  First of all, the most important aspect is the substance of the lift.  Dr.  Shah is a firm believer in repositioning the muscle by sliding back, rather than just excising the skin.  This reposition is the critical step in minimizing bruising, swelling since the muscle can slide back surgically without the need to cauterize blood vessels.  In addition, Dr. Shah uses for select patients, special tissue glues, which minimize the healing course.  These glues act in a few ways to minimize swelling and bruising.  By preventing fluid from separating the tissue layers, patients swell less and bruise less.  In addition, tissues which are touching each other heal much more rapidly than those which do not.

Most patients take about a week to be able to go in public.  While this is not a same day recovery, it does dramatically lessen the healing course from traditional facelifts which can take up to a month or longer for patients to return to public.