Lip Enlargement/Reduction

Lip enlargement, or lip augmentation, enlarges the lips with the use of a cosmetic injectable lip filler or lip implants . Lip augmentation is sometimes performed together with other procedures, such as a facelift, rhinoplasty and cheek or chin implant surgery. Women with thinning lips or wrinkles at the lip line due to aging are good candidates for lip augmentation. Conversely, lip reduction surgery decreases the size and reshapes the lips to create a more proportionate lip structure.

Methods of Lip Enlargement

Lip implants are one method of lip enlargement. The lip implants look like a small tube filled with a synthetic material. The tubes are inserted into the lips through tiny incisions during the cosmetic surgery procedure. Results from this method are long-lasting. Another method of lip enhancement is with injectable fillers. Common injectable fillers are fat, collagen and Restylane®. Results vary as to duration in consideration of what filler was used. Lip augmentation with injectable fillers is a simple procedure that takes only minutes.

Risks and Benefits

Few patients experience complications with lip enhancement procedures, but risks do exist. As with any surgical procedure, there is the possibility of infection, swelling, or bleeding. Some scarring, numbness, and asymmetrical lips have been associated with lip enhancement surgery. However, most patients experience long-lasting and natural-looking results.

Lip Reduction

The goal of lip reduction surgery is to achieve a harmonious balance between the upper and lower lips and the entire face. The lips are the most prominent feature of the lower third of the facial structure. The nose, chin and lips have a relationship that should convey a pleasing aesthetic. Lip reduction surgery is often combined with rhinoplasty for this reason.

Lip reduction surgery usually lasts one to two hours. Side effects include temporary swelling, numbness and restricted chewing and speech. Recovery time lasts approximately one week. Lip reduction results are permanent.