Breast Augmentation Recovery Time

Breast augmentation surgery is now the leading cosmetic plastic surgery performed in the world today. Recovery from the surgery is less incapacitating that with some other plastic surgeries but nonetheless takes some time for the healing process to occur. As with any surgical  procedure, precautions must be taken and follow instructions from your plastic surgeon closely to minimize the chance of infection and to ensure the muscle and tissue around the breast implants heals correctly.

Saline vs. Silicone Gel Breast Implants

Breast implants are available in two forms: Saline implants and silicone gel implants. Each implant type has pros and cons associated with it. Saline implants are most often used in the United States. The surface of this type of implant may be smooth or textured. The shell of the saline implant is made of a strong silicone and the saline is added to the implant at the time of surgery. The advantage of saline implants is that if the implant bursts, the saline is non-toxic and readily absorbed by the body. Saline breast implants, of course, had been the only choice in the United States from 1992 to 2006.

Some people still consider silicone gel implants to be somewhat controversial. Women have made claims of connective tissue disorders (CTD) and silicone implants are believed by some to be the cause. However, the actual causes of CTD are yet unknown. In 1992, the Food and Drug Administration placed a moratorium on silicone-filled implants. However, in 2006, the FDA approved the use of silicone gel implants. These implants are widely used today for breast augmentation surgery.

Unlike saline implants, silicone gel implants arrive to the surgery center already pre-filled. The newly approved silicone gel implants have three layers of coating to protect the body from silicone gel bleed and prevent ruptures. Due to the pre-filling of the implants, the incision required to insert the device must be larger than with saline implants. Like saline implants, the texture of the surface of saline gel implants may be textured or smooth and are available in different profiles.

Recovery Time

Recovery time after breast augmentation surgery is different for everyone due to the differences of our bodies. However, you may expect to experience quite a bit of discomfort for a few days to a few weeks after the procedure. Size and placement of the breast implants will determine level of discomfort. For example, larger implants will cause more discomfort. The most important thing is that you continue to take prescribed medications, particularly antibiotics, to ward off infection which can be serious. One of the leading causes of death in hospital is from infection. Be sure to keep your body strong after the procedures with plenty of rest, plenty of water and taking all of your prescribed medication.

Immediately after your surgery, your breasts will be on your chest wall, appear swollen and even a bit misshapen. The process of the breast tissue completely healing and the breasts taking on their permanent shape will take approximately six to eight weeks.  It can take several months for the implants to descend into their optimal position.  Stitches will generally dissolve in about one week. However, swelling and bruising may continue for several weeks.

Your doctor will prescribe a compression bra or bandage. Immediately after surgery, compression bandages prevent the build up of fluids. The compression bandage / bra used over the first few weeks after surgery helps to keep the implants in place and helps speed recovery after breast augmentation surgery. It is critical at this time to continue wearing your compression garments throughout your recovery time to prevent rapid descent of the implant.

Tips to Reduce Pain

Your physician will prescribe pain medication for the days following the surgery. Use as prescribed. When the pain has subsided, you may wish to use ibupropin or another over the counter pain reliever. Warm showers will sometimes relieve mild pain. Ask your doctor when he / she recommends that you be able to shower and bathe after surgery.

Recommended Exercises After Surgery

Very mild exercises are recommended for the weeks following breast augmentation surgery. As to be expected, the muscles of the upper torso will be swollen, sore and bruised. For exercise during these times, try a low impact leg workout or a sitting workout. It is important that you do not stretch the surgical area until proper healing has occurred. After about a month, you should be able to resume your normal exercise routine. Be sure you gain clearance from your doctor prior to any regular exercise routine.

Returning to Regular Activities

Full breast augmentation surgery recovery will take at least a few months and will vary with each individual. It can be tempting to speed the process but if you do not follow directions you may interrupt the process and reduce the life expectancy of your new implants.  You may return to regular activities, including your job, after about two weeks recovery time.  Some women have reported a far quicker return to work, but again this varies greatly from one individual to another. Your doctor will provide details regarding using the muscles around your implants and how to minimize the chance of complications from returning to activities too soon.

If you plan appropriately, your recovery time from breast augmentation surgery can go quickly and smoothly. Yes, there is a very real temptation to rush the process, to wear the new exciting bras too soon.  Be patient and be aware of the procedures.  Rushing the process can delay healing and even damage the results. If you treat yourself well during this time you will increase your satisfaction with the procedure over a longer period of time.