Self Breast Enlargement Massage - Breast Self-Massage is Simple

/? 190610" Self Breast Enlargement Massage

Breast self-massage is simple. Breast self-massage is pleasurable. Breast self-massage helps prevent cancer as well as detect it. Breast self-massage helps keep breast skin supple. Breast self-massage is a way to be intimate with your breasts. Breast self-massage is a piece of women's wisdom. Breast self-massage is safe. Breast self-massage is free.

Many of the women I've talked with say they don't do breast self-exams, though most think they ought to. No one wants to look for (or, heaven forbid, find!) cancer. We've been trained to avoid danger, and looking for cancer sounds like looking for trouble. Our bodies are influenced by what we think, so how can it be safe to spend time every month doing a breast self-exam, worrying if we're about to find a lump? But we feel guilty when we don't.

And what are we supposed to feel when we touch our breasts anyway? They feel full of lumps! Most of us aren't sure how to touch or examine our breasts or what we'd do if we did feel something truly suspicious. Our guilt and confusion make it all even more complex. /? 190610" Self Breast Enlargement Massage

Breast self-massage offers a way to let go of this tension and get in touch with yourself. This soothing, nurturing self-massage is a pleasurable and relaxing way to get to know your breasts. It avoids the worry of checking for cancer, while providing an excellent early-warning system should cancer arise. Regular, loving touching of our breasts allows us to recognize normal breast changes without fear, and gives us time to respond thoughtfully to abnormal changes. Breast self-massage is also a quiet, focused time that allows the Wise Healer Within (see page 83 of the book) to alert us to any changes that require our attention.

Infused (not essential) herbal oils are an important element of breast self-massage. When herbs are infused into oil, active plant components are liberated and can be massaged into breast tissue - where they help reverse abnormal cellular changes such as hyperplasia, atypia, precancers, and in situ cancers. It's fast and fun to make your own infused oils (see page 297), or you can buy them (see page 75). But if you don't have any, plain olive oil works fine.

If you already know breast self-exam techniques, let them inform your fingertips during your breast self-massage. If this is all new to you, take a few months to learn about your breasts with self-massage before doing breast self-exam. They complement each other: Let the pleasure of the massage infuse the exam, and let the effectiveness of the exam inform the massage. /? 190610" Self Breast Enlargement Massage