The Best Breast Implant for Your Body Type

The decision to have breast augmentation is a personal one. After you have made that decision, you will need to make other decisions with the help of a breast surgeon to personalize your procedure. There are many options for the specifics of breast augmentation so your results will fit your personal needs and goals.

The decisions you will need to make include:

  • Breast implant type
  • Breast implant profile
  • Breast implant size

Your body is unique with its own natural curves and shapes that are unlike anyone else’s. For this reason, your breast implants need to be as unique and molded specifically for your body.

There are two main types of breast implants . These types are:

  • Saline implants
  • Silicone gel implants

Saline Implants

Saline implants are unique in that they are not filled until after they are placed in the breasts. Saline implants are ideal for women who have asymmetrical breasts because the implants are filled after placement. This allows the breast surgeon to fill the implants to the appropriate size and fullness to even out the breasts. Saline implants are also a great choice for women with thicker breast tissue and who want their implants placed above the muscle.

Silicone Get Implants

Silicone gel implants are pre-filled and are ideal for women with little breast tissue, for women who wish to have their breast implants placed either above or below the muscle, and for women who have less elastic skin.

Breast Implant Profiles

You will also be able to choose the profile you wish to have. Breast implants come with a low profile, medium profile, or high profile depending on the look you desire. Some body types will not look natural with a high profile. The ability to choose the profile of your breast implants helps you achieve the perfect look for your unique body type.

Breast Implant Size

Your body type will need a certain size to look natural and enhance your curves. You will be able to discuss breast implant size with your breast surgeon to determine what size is perfect for your body. Your surgeon will help you decide what breast implant size is not too big and not too small for your body.