Hi Def Body Sculpture for More Enhanced Results

Cynosure's minimally invasive body sculpting device SmartLipo MPX has attained much fame and recognition for its ability to get rid of surplus fat from the body. The company is now set to add another milestone with the launch of its latest state-of-the-art technology for body contouring. Men and women would soon be able take advantage of SmartLipo Triplex and undergo hi def body sculpture for more enhanced results.

SmartLipo Triplex has astonished plastic surgeons and specialists with its extended clinical capabilities in bringing about a well toned body with a muscular appearance in minimal time. The highly advanced device makes use of three different wavelengths (1440, 1064 and 1320 nm) to bring about patient oriented results. This unique combination of laser wavelengths has the capability of liquefying and absorbing greater quantities of fat tissues, which would allow plastic surgeons to bring about better body contouring results.

Research and study of SmartLipo Triplex has shown that patients who undergo this latest body contouring procedure would attain excellent results which could never be brought about using alternative forms of lipolysis . Stubborn deposits of superficial and deep fat in localized as well as large areas can be quickly and effectively treated. Areas such as waist, chin, inner and outer thighs, hips, abdomen, ankles, back, arms, neck and knees can be custom treated.

Local anesthesia is administered prior to the procedure to ease pain and discomfort. This also allows patients to remain awake during the procedure and attain a faster recovery. Patients resume work in a few days' time without showing telltale signs of surgery. SmartLipo Triplex hi def body sculpture makes use of intelligent delivery systems for more enhanced results. Its SmartSense™ with ThermaGuide™ feature constantly monitors the skin temperature and prevents trauma by regulating the flow of energy. With all these benefits, the popularity of the amazing modality is sure to grow immensely.