Liposuction, also known as Liposculpture, is the most commonly performed plastic surgery in the United States where more than 400,000 men and women annually undergo this procedure. A cosmetic surgery that contours and sculpts your body into a slimmer profile, Liposuction removes unwanted and excess fat. By reducing total body fat, it can help to lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Liposuction Candidates
Three categories of men and women seek Liposuction to achieve their ideal appearance, after trying unsuccessfully to do so through diet and exercise.
The first category of patients includes those who wish to reduce their size, including women who have gained weight due to pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations or medications. This category also includes men and women who undergo Large Volume Liposuction. Normally, Liposuction involves the removal of about two litres of fat, about the size of a "Coke" bottle. During Large Volume Liposuction, however, five or more litres of fat are removed resulting in a dramatic reduction in size.
The second category includes those who have disproportionate areas of fat in their abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, knees, cheeks and neck. These problem areas are commonly known as "saddlebags," "thunder thighs," "love handles" and "double chins." Often, these stubborn areas of fat have genetic origins, and cannot be reduced by diet and exercise.
The third category of patients includes men who suffer from Gynecomastia, excessive breast growth due to the enlargement of breast glands, and excess fatty tissue.
In all cases, men and women who undergo Liposculpture should have had a stabilized weight for at least six months. Liposuction is not a solution for ridding of stretch marks or of cellulite.
Liposuction Techniques
There are three techniques for performing Liposuction, which vary in safety and effectiveness. All involve the insertion of a cannula -- a small wand-like instrument connected to a high-powered suction machine -- into tiny incisions made by the plastic surgeon into the targeted area. It is through this instrument that the plastic surgeon draws fat from beneath the skin.
Tumescent Liposuction refers to the commonest, and safest, method. "Tumescence" is the swelling and firming of fatty tissues through the infusion of a saline solution that contains Lidocaine, an anesthetic with adrenaline, which reduces blood loss and bruising.
Your plastic surgeon will soak the area with a solution that is two to three times the amount of fat and fluids to be removed. In Super-Wet Tumescent Liposuction, however, tissues are infused with fluids equal to the amount of fat and fluids to be removed. Super-Wet Liposuction uses a solution that has smaller amounts of, or no, Lidocaine, reducing the risk of Lidocaine toxicity.
Once the area is sufficiently plumped up, the plastic surgeon removes the loosened fat cells, suctioning fat and fluid through transparent vacuum-like tubes.
Power Assisted Liposuction hastens the process by an electronic-powered cannula which, like a jackhammer, suctions fat more quickly. While it lessens the plastic surgeon's exertion, it also reduces the ability to contour with precision, especially in delicate areas like the neck and the face. Likewise, Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction, which bombards subcutaneous fatty tissues with waves of heat and energy and was developed for use in more fibrous areas, has a high rate of risks and complications such as burns, and is not a patient's best option.
Liposuction Results
For optimal results, Liposuction should be performed by a plastic surgeon who has a honed aesthetic sense, as well as excellent surgical skills. The surgeon must work diligently to locate the appropriate areas of subcutaneous fat in order to successfully sculpt and contour those areas. It is therefore of the utmost importance to select a cosmetic surgeon who has the highest credentials, a fine artistic sense and who is highly experienced in performing Liposuction.