Economical Face Lift Surgery Options

With the development of more affordable face lift surgery techniques, one might think that the traditional face lift has seen its day. However, the dramatic results achieved through a traditional face lift continue to appeal to many patients. A traditional face lift removes excess skin and repositions the muscle and skin tissue to restore a more youthful appearance.

For patients experiencing the advanced signs of aging, a traditional face lift is the choice option for treatment. Though unable to bring the aging process to a standstill, traditional face lift surgery can turn back time. Results for a traditional cosmetic face lift are also long lasting, and secondary treatments are normally less invasive.

The cost for a traditional face lift depends on many factors, including geographic location, operating facility, surgical expertise and complexity of the procedure. The price range is between $6,000 and $25,000. While cost may be a deterrent for some, many patients looking to return to a more youthful glow may not yet be in need of a traditional face lift.

Whether cost or necessity, many face lift surgery options are available to match most budgetary needs. These newer treatments are highly specialized for targeting specific problem areas. Read on to learn more about economical face lift surgery options.

Economical Face Lift Surgery Options: Mid Face Lift

A mid face lift is less expensive, but also capable of astonishing results. For patients with skin laxity in the middle areas of the face, including the cheeks, under the eyes and around the nasiolabial fold, a mid face lift may be the perfect option. Mid face lift surgery corrects bags under the eyes, reduces laugh lines and returns a supple glow around the cheeks.

Another benefit to mid face lift surgery is reduced recovery time, usually about one week. In addition, the small incisions reduce scarring. Cost for a mid face lift has a range between $4,000 and $10,000.

Economical Face Lift Surgery Options: Mini Face Lift

A mini face lift, or “weekend face lift,” is another economic cosmetic face lift option. Recovery is reduced to a couple of days and treatment is designed to address mild skin laxity. A mini face lift is best suited for patients with moderate drooping around the cheeks, chin and jaw line.

Results are restorative, yet subtle at the same time. A mini face lift is also one of the least invasive face lift surgery options. The price ranges from $3,500 to $6,500.

Economical Face Lift Surgery Options: Thread Lift

A thread face lift is another minimally invasive, economical face lift surgery option. Surgical threads are used for contouring problem areas around the cheeks, neck and jaw line. A thread lift is suitable for patients with good skin texture. The cost for a thread lift is between $2,000 and $6,000, and recovery time is one or two days.

Economical Non-Invasive Face Lift Techniques

Another route is available through non-invasive treatments such as dermal fillers and skin resurfacing techniques. Dermal fillers can smooth fine lines and wrinkles, while skin-resurfacing treatments work to improve skin tone. Depending on your goals, non-invasive treatments can be effective on their own, or combined with face lift surgery to enhance results. Many non-invasive cosmetic treatments are available for under $200.