Silicone Breast Implants Information - What Breast Implants Are Better to Choose?

There are two kinds of implants available for those, who want to make their breasts bigger: silicone breast implants and saline-filled breast implants. However, according to statistics, over 90% of women all over the world decide on silicone breast implants for they are cosmetically superior.

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But at the same time, silicone breast implants have been in the spotlight since their appearance as a lot of women complained about silicone breast implants having made them ill.

In fact, silicone is considered to be inactive from the biological point of view, but despite this silicone breast implants were reported to be a trigger of cancer in some cases.

As a result, silicone breast implants disappeared from the market in 1992. But today, about 15 years later, they again got approval in 2006. However, they were said to be “reasonably safe”. It means that some risks do exist.

This is quite a good piece of news, nevertheless, for many women, who are not satisfied with the shape or the size of their breasts and would like to undergo some changes. It is a great option for women who have overcome breast cancer, in particular.

It is clear that in any case surgery is associated with risks. But in addition, silicone breast implants also carry some. First of all, it is leakage of an implant. The exact harm that can be done by a leaking implant is still unknown though, as silicone is regarded as biologically inactive.  But silicone breast implants are considered to carry more risk than saline ones.

While saline filled implants are not to be used for women younger than 18, silicone breast implants not for those under 22. It is explained by the fact that the breast tissue can undergo some changes during puberty and not long after it.

In addition, silicone breast implants can not serve you for entire life. Thus, you will have to make some more surgeries in future. It is necessary for your silicone breast implants to be checked by the once a year.