Asian Rhinoplasty (Noselift) - Cosmetic Surgery in Philippines

Asian Rhinoplasty (Noselift)- Cosmetic Surgery in the Philippines

Rhinoplasty among Asians or Orientals is surgical procedure done  to enhance the features of the nose and can include 3 procedures(can be done at the same time): Nasal Dorsum Augmentation, Alar Base Trimming(Alar Plasty) or Tip Enhancement(Tip Plasty). The number of procedures to be done will depend on the patient's nose. The procedure/s are usually done under local anesthesia. The patient will usually be also given oral sedation during the surgery to help him/her relax and be insensitive to pain.


Nasal Dorsum Augmentation, also called dorsal augmentation, augmentation rhinoplasty, Oriental rhinoplasty, or noselift is a technique to increase the height of the dorsum of the nose, especially the bridge. This improves upon the feature of a low nose bridge seen in some patients. An incision is made just inside the nostril, and a space is created between the skin of the nose and the nasal bone and cartilages. A biocompatible material is placed in this space to elevate the nasal profile. One commonly used material is medical grade silicone elastomer, which is a firm, rubbery substance, but is well tolerated by the body. Other materials aside from silicone rubber may be placed, such as PTFE(Goretex), MedPor, SMAS, Scalp tissue, or Cartilage. However, our society cautions the public regarding the use of any injectable substances to augment the nasal dorsum. The results of this injections are very disappointing, and are difficult for plastic surgeons to correct.

Alar Base Trimming/Alar Plasty,may be done to change the shape of the nostrils, make the width of the alar base narrower and/or  to correct the overhanging of the alae. This is done under local anesthesia, and can be performed on its own, or with a Nasal Dorsal Augmentation. Wedge-shaped pieces of tissue are removed from the alar side wall, near its junction with the cheek. The remaining pieces are sutured together, and this results in a change in shape of the nostril, narrower inter-alar distance and columellar show. A secondary benefit is that it also lifts the nasal tip up a bit.

Nasal Tip Enhancement.  In the same operation, the surgeon can also modify the nasal tip by working on the tip cartilages(removing some cartilages that cause bulkiness at the tip area), and if needed, adding the cartilage grafts to the area.

RECOVERY: Expect some bruising and swelling during first few days and will subside in about 1 week.

LENGTH OF SURGERY: About 1-3 hours.

Every patient seeking possible cosmetic surgery services is strongly encouraged to consult with a board certified cosmetic plastic surgeon.