It seems that there is always some new fad diet or another that promises to help you shed those extra pounds with the greatest of ease. No matter how dedicated you are and how much effort you apply, sometimes the weight will simply not drop off, at this point desperation may settle in.

If you are this type of person and committed to a new lifestyle with a healthy diet and regular exercise then weight loss surgery may be an option. These procedures are used to help speed up the weight loss process over a period of 1-2 years (for a large amount of weight loss such as 10-15 stone). It is of course important to stick to your healthy lifestyle to ensure the weight loss period is as short as possible.

There are of course some questions you need to ask yourself before you can opt for weight loss surgery; you of course need to be over the age of 18 as this type of surgery should not be given to a minor and is not suitable until you are out of puberty.

Is your BMI (Body Mass Index) over 30? You should only consider weight loss surgery if it is as procedures such as Lap Band placement and Gastric Bypass surgery are designed to help those who are unable to naturally lose very large amounts of surplus weight.

Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions such as cardiovascular problems? If so you will most probably be unable to undergo a general anaesthetic due to the extra risk factor. If you have any conditions such as Diabetes or Thyroid problems these procedures may not be able to provide an effective solution.

These procedures can be life changing and if you are committed to supporting them with the correct diet and exercise regime they are most certainly worth considering.

Like any form of cosmetic surgery , you should think carefully before undergoing weight loss surgery . Plastic surgery procedures are now much safer and the techniques used much more advanced so you can feel confident in the results.