Pilonidal Cyst Natural Treatment

Pilonidal cyst is a sac filled with antibiotic-resistant pus located in the buttocks cleft. The condition is painful when sitting down, and on occasions even all the time.

Pilonidal cyst is more common than you think. An anaesthesiologist friend told me six pilonidal cyst surgeries are done per week in the hospital he works on.

Pilonidal cyst is caused by a lesion in the coccyx. This causes a hair to incrust—like a needle—in the skin, generating internal wounds that later become infected. When an internal infection occurs, the body forms a sac to encapsulate pus and prevent it from rapidly spreading into the whole organism; it will continue spreading, but slower.

The following are a few examples of how we may harm our coccyx and consequently develop a pilonidal cyst: strong finger-pressure massage, sitting on a hard chair or getting any type of lesion in the coccyx area. The first was the reason for my pilonidal cyst to appear; it developed during a Shiatsu (Japanese massage) course.

Antibiotics fail to heal pilonidal cyst. It was possible in the past until bacteria in it became immune to them.

Surgery is neither a cure. It is nothing but a “quick-fix”, which is useless when the problem has to do with the whole person’s organism. This is why the cyst recurs in most people who undergo surgery; the root cause has not been eliminated.

But there are other methods within Alternative Medicine. These are cheaper and more effective than antibiotics or surgery and eliminate the root cause.

I healed my pilonidal cyst through Homeopathy and Naturopathy. The remedies started to drain the cyst for it to heal from the inside to the outside, until it was not there any more. This is the best method I know, as there are people who have carried their cyst for 10-15 years, had over 5 surgeries and have never been able to get rid of it.

I have written an e-book describing how to heal pilonidal cyst without surgery, which can be found in the website below:

I made tremendous sacrifices finding a cure, such as spending up to 1,500 USD per month on useless remedies and doctors, left my work in order to dedicate my life to find a cure for this problem that was turning my life into a living hell, etc. But none of you will have to make these sacrifices, as the cure is explained in my e-book.

Yours sincerely,

Ivan Miller