No matter what name it goes by, a surgery is a surgery. The basic complications involved are the same, whether you are having a cosmetic surgery or a corrective one, there are some general risks that you have to be aware of. Common risks are blood clotting, possible infection, bleeding as well as scarring. In very rare cases there can also be complications from anesthesia. But to reiterate, these are in very few cases.
Since each person who undergoes cosmetic surgery is different, their reactions to it can be different. In the case of scarring, certain ethnic groups of people with darker skin run higher chances of developing keloid scars. This means that the scars could be raised a bit. Having prior health complications due can compound risks during cosmetic treatments. From relatively simpler blood pressure issues, things could progress to high blood pressure, abnormal heart rates and could also result in a stroke.
Each surgery can bring with it a set of complications. These vary depending on the individual undergoing the knife. Hemorrhaging is a possibility as is hematoma or excessive bleeding. In some cases of corrective surgery, nerves in some parts of the body can get affected leading to the death of some tissue and as a result a loss of sensation there. In some cases the time taken for healing can also be excessively long. Pneumonia has also been known to occur in some cases as is paralysis and nerve damage.
Anesthesia in itself runs a series of risks such as shock, allergies, cardiac arrest or even respiratory issues. In extreme cases, comas and subsequent death cannot be ruled out.
These are all the physical risks involved. There is also an emotional aspect to this. There are chances that you will not be satisfied with the outcome of your surgery. In several cases, this cannot be corrected. On the emotional front, you will also have to be prepared to be the subject of gossip for a while. Getting breast implants commonly has you at the receiving end of jokes. There are chances also that a surgery meant to make a person comfortable with their body has the reverse effect. This could lead to further psychological issues.
Some cosmetic surgery procedures can also result in pain in certain areas that last for a lifetime. No matter how small your surgery, you will need to weigh all the risks before you decide to go ahead with the procedure.