Do not Neglect your Second Trimester Pregnancy Diet

There is no limit for the advice that you will get for second trimester pregnancy diet. It might seem confusing with all sorts of suggestions coming from all around; however, one thing is certain that your baby is completely dependent on you for nutrition.

Therefore, you must prepare a pregnancy diet plan with the help of your doctor. In case you are diabetic, then you will have to follow a diabetic diet plan during pregnancy. A healthy diet ensures that you have a healthy and smooth pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. Let us have a glimpse of what is regarded as the best pregnancy diet by doctors.

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Around 3-5 servings of vegetables and fruits are important for a healthy diet. Deep yellow and dark green leafy veggies are a boon for you and your baby. Keep sweet fruits handy with you, to combat cravings for sweet things. Make sure that you eat in variety to get all the required vitamins and minerals.

Lots Of Fiber

Your diet must contain lots of fiber to fight constipation, which is very common at this time. It encourages smooth bowel movement and eases this pregnancy symptom.

Diary Products

Don’t forget your glass of milk during pregnancy! Oh, yes, but it should be skimmed! In addition to this, you can enjoy low-fat diary products such as yoghurt, hard cheese, and others. Remember, you need plenty of calcium during this time.

Low Fat Foods

This is not the time to gorge on that huge, spicy cheeseburger. Take a break for processed and junk food. They are loaded with fats. In case you are unable to control your craving, once a month indulgence is okay. Remember, the more pounds you put over your body, the more difficult your pregnancy will become. And you don’t want that, do you?

Limited Sugar

Sugary foods are yummy, but unhealthy. They make you fat. And fat is always stubborn. It doesn’t go easily and might refuse to go even after delivery. Therefore, be careful about the amount of weight you gain during pregnancy. Excessive weight opens doors for hemorrhoids, gestational diabetes, and complications.

In addition to this, keep in touch with your doctor to detect any nutrient deficiency. It can be corrected through supplements, in combination with a strict second trimester pregnancy diet plan.