You Can Still be Sexy During Pregnancy

When I first found out I was pregnant I was so excited. I couldn't wait for my belly to start growing. I would actually eat more just so it would poke out and maybe someone would notice I was pregnant. Then, all the sudden at about 5 months, I didn't have to eat a lot anymore and was quickly ready for the growing to stop and the swelling to go down. I felt unattractive, and feeling unattractive didn't look so hot! Pregnancy is beautiful; it's a time to celebrate your body and what it can do. Here are some tips to help you feel as sexy as you are.

Sexiness starts with confidence. It can be easy to get caught up in all the negatives about your appearance. Feeling unattractive and even ugly is something most pregnant women face at some point. These feelings usually don't reflect the physical truth. They most likely are just results of rapid emotional and physical changes that your body is making. Don't let them trick you. Know how beautiful your new curves are and how most men love the idea of a woman carrying a baby and find it to be one of the sexist things in the world.

Focus and accentuate the positives

Beautiful Hair! Who doesn't love shiny, thick hair? As your hormones kick in, they will nourish your hair, making it feel gorgeously silky and smooth! Getting a haircut is a great way to feel fresh and new. With a new hair style, you'll want to dress cute and fix yourself up. This could be exactly what you need.

Healthy, Long Nails! Not only will they grow long, but they will be strong and healthy too. Show them off in a variety of styles and colors! Getting your nails done can be a nice reminder you are a women.

Glowing Skin! You've heard people talking about that pregnancy glow, and you may be waiting for yours to kick in. The increased blood flow during pregnancy will give your complexion a rosy glow! Try some shimmers and bronzers if you're still waiting.

More Cleavage! Pregnancy often increases the size of your breasts by one or two cup sizes. WOW! Enhance that cleavage and enjoy it!

Pamper yourself and do the things you normally do to make yourself feel good. Maybe even do them more.

Exercise! Many benefits come with exercise including a better body image. Even a simple walk around the block will get your heart pumping and your energy flowing.

Weight! Though you are free to eat a treat from time to time, don't go overboard. Keeping your weight between the recommended 25 and 35 pounds will help you keep up that confidence and you'll be proud of yourself too.

Shave! Keeping your legs smooth is a quick and easy way to feel sexier. You'll need to feel confident enough to let your spouse give you a foot rub and hairy lets aren't going to help any. Don't skip them.

Eyebrows! Outgrown hairs and stubs grab people's attention. A quick pluck can give you that fresh clean look you are looking for. For a new look, splurge and go to the salon to get them done. It is rather inexpensive and can do wonders.

Lotion! Believe me; I know from experience, it can be frustrating to cover yourself in lotion, but its well worth it. Lather up at least twice a day. Your skin will feel soft and radiant and you will be helping to prevent stretch marks too.

Dressing! Maternity clothes are usually another big issue. Be sure to buy clothes that fit. Don't try to squeeze into your pre-pregnancy clothes that weren't designed for your new, sexy, curvy body. Pick up a couple of pairs of jeans and skirts, and mix and match tops that will add color and style. Don't forget one outfit to go out in. You need to feel super sexy when you go out with all the skinny people. If you don't like the idea of spending money on clothes you'll only wear for 6 or so months remember, many of today's styles can be worn after baby too! Whatever you do stay away from the sweats and t-shirts, they won't do a thing for your self-esteem.

Pregnancy is one of the most amazing journeys you'll ever take. It's an experience like no other with feeling that just cannot be explained. Don't miss out on it because your busy feeling down about yourself. Look in the mirror and see what a beautiful and sexy women you are.