How to Get Rid of Goiter

Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland that often produces a noticeable swelling in the front of the neck. This enlargement can be caused by iodine deficiency, inability of the body to use iodine correctly, or a variety of thyroid disorders, including infection tumors, and autoimmune disease. Some environmental pollutants, heavy metal poisonings, and certain drugs can also contribute to goiter formation. Goiters of all types will regress with treatment of the underlying condition. Dietary iodine may be all that is needed. However, if an iodine deficient thyroid that has grown in size to accommodate its deficiency is suddenly supplied an adequate amount of iodine, it could suddenly make large amounts of thyroxin and cause a thyroid storm, the equivalent of racing your car motor at top speed. Hyperthyroidism can be treated with medications, therapeutic doses of radioactive iodine, or surgical reduction. Surgery is much less common now than it used to be because of progress in drugs and radiotherapy. Like bad breath which can indicate the presence of kidney disease or diabetes, BO can also signal an underlying medical problem. Goiter due to hyperthyroidism (or an overactive thyroid) can promote sweating, making your body more hospitable to odor causing bacteria. Certain metabolic infectious disorders, some drugs and foods like garlic, onions, and asparagus, can likewise cause BO. The same is true with uremia (a serious disease wherein the kidneys fail to eliminate waste products) and pneumonia. Goiters of all types will regress with treatment of the underlying condition. Dietary iodine may be all that is needed. However, if an iodine deficient thyroid that has grown in size to accommodate its deficiency is suddenly supplied an adequate amount of iodine, it could suddenly make large amounts of thyroxin and cause a thyroid storm, the equivalent of racing your car motor at top speed. Hyperthyroidism can be treated with medications, therapeutic doses of radioactive iodine, or surgical reduction. Surgery is much less common now than it used to be because of progress in drugs and radiotherapy. There are alternatives to surgery, including treatment with Vitacel GH3 supplements, but you'll have to see what your specialist recommends. Levothroid as well as Synthroid are often used to treat goiters, and treatment with a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation is common. The best way to prevent this problem is by taking iodine-rich foods. But sometimes, even if a person gets enough iodine from his diet, he or she may still develop goiter. This is because certain foods may actually prevent the thyroid gland from using the iodine. Foods, which interfere with the body’s ability to manufacture the thyroid hormone, contain substances called "goitrogens." Treatment of hyperthyroidism consists of both symptomatic relief and decreasing the production of thyroid hormone Beta blockers ameliorate many of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism In the absence of a contraindication, they are often started as soon as the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is made, even before obtaining a 24-hour radio iodine uptake or scan. We usually give atenolol (25 to 50 mg/day), which has the advantages of single daily dosing and beta-1 selectivity, but all drugs of this class effectively reduce symptoms in patients with hyperthyroidism.