Trying To Conceive - How to Get Pregnant Tips
For most women, pregnancy is a beautiful dream, but it can well turn into a nightmare if you've been trying to have a baby and can't conceive. What can you do to get pregnant? While there are no quick fix techniques to tell you how to get pregnant, there are tips that can help you better your chances. Here they are:
- Get a thorough physical done & have yourself examined for physical conditions that could be interfering in your normal reproductive cycle, such as cysts in the pelvic region, inflammation in the lining of the uterus, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and fibroids, and even low-grade vaginal infections.
- Make modifications in your diet. Avoid having drugs and alcohol which can cause hormonal imbalance and impair your fertility. Stay away from too many sugary items, caffeinated beverages, and high fat foods. Also, go easy on the salt.
- Medications are also known to reduce your fertility so stop taking any over-the-counter medication. However, speak to your doctor before you decide to discontinue any prescription medicines.
- Keep a close track of your body's cycle and have sex around the days when you ovulate. In fact, you should try and make love every 48 or 72 hours around the time of ovulation to increase the chances of having a baby.
- When having sex, opt for positions that can minimize the chances of sperm leakage, such as the missionary style. Alternatively, women can place a pillow under their hips for an elevated position.
- Women should avoid getting up immediately after sexual intercourse. Lie down for a while to keep the sperm in the vagina longer.
- Avoid using oils and artificial lubricants since they are known to bring down your chances of conceiving. They interfere with the sperm's journey through a women's reproductive tract, thereby lessening the chances of fertilizing the egg.
- Never douche after having sex. This can remove the essential cervical fluids, which aid in the progress of sperm.
- Men should keep their testicles cool since extreme heat can be detrimental to their sperm count. Wear boxer shorts or underwear made from breathable fabrics. If possible, try to give up hot tubs and sauna baths while you are trying to have a baby.
- Men should ejaculate once every 2-3 days, but no more than that. While frequent ejaculation is necessary to keep the sperm count high, excessive ejaculation is not recommended.
I hope the above How To Get Pregnant Tips have given you some insights.