Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant? Some Things To Look Out For!

Why am I not getting pregnant? You may be doing everything right - tracking your cycle, having intercourse at the right time each month, and even using the best positions according to what you're read. But still no pregnancy.

Before you start making enquiries about IVF or IUI treatments with your doctor, there are three important factors to consider and, if necessary, put right.

How To Overcome Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally >>

1. Exercise

Just mainly because you're young doesn't mean your human body is up to the task of conceiving and internally nurturing for nine months a new life. Nature sees to it that the unfit don't supply the genes in the next generation. It truly is "survival in the fittest".

Your weight is particularly important. If you're overweight or underweight then the chances of you conceiving a child are much smaller than those of a woman from the proper system mass. You might will need to consult your doctor or a dietician for guidance, but the essential thing is that, if required, you take action to bring your weight down, or up, for the proper level.

If you may need to lose bodyweight then regular, gentle, exercise is most probably all which is needed. Exercise three or four times a week if you are able to, for at least 30 minutes to an hour. In the event you haven't exercised much prior to then start slowly and build it up gradually. It is amazing how quickly your human body adapts and sheds excessive fat that it doesn't actually need.

2. Tension

This is definitely bad for fertility. You can't expect your human body to be at its optimum degree of fertility if throughout most days you're on edge, running a busy office, for example, dealing with clients or perhaps a demanding boss, organising events, beating deadlines, going to meetings, taking telephone calls, and so on.

Once you get home at the end of each day your body and mind are still at the office, dealing with all the tension. You're almost certainly worn out too as tense. You have to learn to relax, and to eliminate the anxiety as far as possible. This may mean a change in lifestyle, something that's not generally uncomplicated, especially in the event you depend financially on working at a job or in a business where this sort of stress is typical.

See if you possibly can plan your holiday for whenever you desire to conceive. It's not generally quick to wind down and relax when you're still at work, but see if you'll find methods in which you can decrease the pressure degree.

3. Diet

You're planning for your entire body to conceive a child and nurture it within you for nine months to a successful birth, so it should go without saying that you need to fuel it with nourishing and sustaining food.

Modern, hectic lifestyles too typically force us to neglect our food intake. Snacks gulped down with a mug of espresso or cola during the day, and take-away meals saturated in sodium and grease as an simple option within the evening are not the products of the healthy way of life. Your system at this stage more than any other needs fruits, vegetables and protein - things that are sadly missing from most snacks and take-away meals.

If this applies to you then decide that from this moment on you will eat a more healthy diet. Make more time for a reasonable meal during the daytime, even if you have to cope with the strains and pressures of a high-flying job or business. Eat plenty of salads and drink plenty of fruit juices free of artificial sugars and sweeteners. Include as much raw food as possible - nuts, oils, dates, beans and fruit.

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