Is It Possible To Influence The Gender Of Your Baby Before You Actually Conceive? It Is. Here's HowI often write about choosing your baby's gender. Recently I got an email from a woman who wanted to know if "it was possible to determine or change your baby's sex before you get pregnant." It absolutely is possible and the time to do it is before you get pregnant. Once you become pregnant, your baby's gender or sex is already determined, so, it's very important to address these things before you actually conceive. I'll tell you how to do that in this article. How Your Baby's Sex Or Gender Is Determined:Whether you get a boy or a girl baby all comes back to which sperm chromosome reaches and fertilizes your waiting egg first. The father to be's sperm contains X and Y chromosomes. If the Y chromosomes does the job first, you'll get a boy. If an X chromosome wins out, you'll get a girl baby. This sounds like and often is 50 / 50 odds, but by understanding that this X and Y chromosomes behave in very different ways, you can greatly improve these odds. Specifically, the boy producing sperm win the speed race. They are super fast, but to balance things, they can not live nearly as long. The girl producing sperm are much longer lived, but would lose the speed race as they are slower. You can manipulate these things depending upon which gender you are hoping to conceive. Timing To Influence Your Baby's Gender:Most people understand that there is about a five day window in your monthly cycle in which you are most able to get pregnant. But, not everyone realizes that which day in this fertility window that you actually conceive can determine whether you have a boy or girl baby. Again, it comes down to which sperm chromosome will reach the egg first. But, since the boy sperm is fast, if you want a girl, you should never let the Y sperm participate in the race. You do this by conceiving three days prior to ovulation, which will give the Y sperm enough time to die off before the egg drops. Likewise, if you want a boy, you need to ensure that this little guys are very fresh when the egg is ready. One way to do this is to wait to conceive until the day of ovulation, allowing the boy sperm to be well on their way before their expiration date. No matter which gender you are going for, you need to find and use a very reliable form of ovulation prediction. So many people make the mistake of using old, unreliable methods that leave so much room for error. I'm talking about basal temperature or cervical mucus monitoring. If you've got these methods down and they work for you, by all means keep using them. But, if you are having problems with these, consider urine or saliva predictors as these will give you a yes / no answer that doesn't require you to guess. Sexual Or Intercourse Positions Can Influence The Sex Or Gender Of Your Baby:Many people assume that using different sexual positions to conceive different genders is an old wives tale, but there is actually a bit of science involved. Of course, it's based on giving the gender you want an advantage. Keeping in mind that you want to make it a long, hard trip for the male sperm if you want a female baby, you'd want to use shallow intercourse positions. Likewise, if you wanted a boy baby, you'd want to make sure to use deep penetration as you want to limit the boy sperm's exposure to a hostile environment. Your Acidity And PH Can Help You Conceive The Gender Of Your Choice:Speaking of a hostile environment, the final part of this equation is your acidity and vaginal PH. Again, the reason for this is creating the environment that is going to be friendly to your gender of choice. Boy or Y sperm can not live for long in a vaginal PH that is too high. If you want a son, it's very likely that to make your odds as high as they can possibly be, you'll need to alkalize your vagina and your body. And, if you want a girl, you'll want to raise your PH to a high enough level that will knock out the Y chromosomes. Before you think this sounds complicated, hear me out. The easiest way to approach this is to get a PH tester on line or at a nutrition store. It's pretty easy to test yourself and find out your level. Once you know this, it will be clear where you fall and you'll know whether you need to raise or lower. You can do both though either going on a high or low PH diet, douching, or both. Using both techniques will usually get you the quickest, most dramatic results. But, depending on where you fell, you can sometimes get to where you need to be through one method or the other. I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips. If you want a girl baby, check out / If you want a boy baby, check out / |