Increasing Your Chances of Getting Pregnant In 3 Steps

The first simple change you can make to your lifestyle to increase your chances of getting pregnant is to eat better and get fit. Being a little overweight or underweight can increase irregularities in your menstrual cycle and ovulation. The amount of fat you have on your body controls hormones like estrogen and leptin. It helps to start taking prenatal vitamins now!

How To Overcome Infertility and Get Pregnant Naturally >>

2.Step 2

Learn your body' s ovulation signs. Most women do not have a clue when they ovulate or when they need to have intercourse to get pregnant. The majority of women will ovulate 14 days after their period. That is based on a 28 day cycle. Pregnancy is usually achieved when the sperm are ready to meet the egg after it is released. This is accomplished by having intercourse up to 3 days before ovulation. Most experts say sperm can live up to five days in the woman's uterus after ejaculation.

Start taking your temperature every morning at the same time before you get out of bed. This is called your basal body temperature. You will need to do this for a month before you recognize a pattern. Your body temperature will begin to drop slightly right before ovulation. A temperature spike following a drop indicates ovulation.

Another sign of ovulation is cervical mucous. Cervical mucous is mucous that your cervix secretes before ovulation to assist the sperm on their journey. As you approach ovulation your cervical mucous will increase in quantity and stretchiness. Some refer to this as egg white cervical mucous. Next cycle keep an eye out about 1.5 weeks after your menstrual period for discharge that looks like egg whites. This is a great fertility sign!

You can also purchase fertility monitors. Clear Blue Easy is a great fertility monitor. In my experience the monitor takes about two months to detect ovulation and some women report that the monitor took only one month to detect their ovulation pattern. The monitor comes with sticks that you urinate on like a pregnancy test. The monitor will tell you when it wants you to insert a stick. The monitor detects two key hormones that induce ovulation. It's defiantly worth the money if you have no idea when you ovulate!

3.Step 3
Have sex regularly! Most couples miss the window of fertility and think they can't conceive. By following the steps above you will begin to figure our your body' s way of telling you it's ready to ovulate. Take advantage of this time and baby dance!

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