What are the Odds of Having a Boy?

In general, the odds of having a boy are just about the same as those of having girl, with boys making up approximately 51% of new childbirths. However, the issue is not so cut and dry, with several factors that can make a difference in the gender you conceive. In this article, we'll discuss some of those factors.

Probably the most publicized factor is the timing of your sexual intercourse. This factor was pioneered more than 20 years ago by an American biologist named Landrum Shettles. He claims it is the most scientifically supported method to gender selection. The gist of the method is that if you have sex closer to ovulation, you have better odds of having a boy, whereas if you have intercourse 3 days or more before ovulation, the odds are in favor of having a girl. Considering the very high success rate this method offers, you should take this advice into consideration at the very least.

Another factor that you probably wouldn't expect is that if a man drinks a cup of caffeinated coffee immediately before intercourse, sperm containing the Y chromosome is more active, and in turn is more likely to result in conceiving a boy. However, this has not been scientifically proven - there is just not enough research to provide a conclusive answer. However, drinking a cup of coffee certainly can't hurt, considering you probably drink one or two every morning.

The last factor to consider is your overall diet. Like the second factor, this factor is not scientifically proven as not enough research has been done to prove it. However, it can't hurt to try. Supposedly, a diet with a high acidic content can increase the odds of having a boy. That would mean foods like red meats, salty foods, or even cola drinks. You probably already eat or drink some of these things anyways, so just increase your intake of them slightly.

Whatever you do, just remember there is no such thing as a 100% success rate. There are things you can do to increase the odds of having a boy, but again, none can achieve a 100% success rate.