Most women just assume that a missed period is the first real indicator that they might be pregnant.  While this is generally true, it is not always the case.  Missed periods can be the result of all sorts of factors. You might be stressed, have a poor diet, be working too hard, or have some other health condition that impacts your reproductive system.  In addition, it can take up to a month after conception before you notice a missed period. However, there are a few other ways that you might notice that you are pregnant quite a bit sooner.

If you arepregnant, crampsare one very typical way of your body telling you that something has changed.  These cramps will probably feel a lot like menstrual cramps, but they will be taking place at the wrong time of month, and may be ongoing.Pregnant crampsmay continue for quite some time during the pregnancy but could change in their severity.

Another key indicator of pregnancy is morning sickness.  You may find yourself getting up feeling very nauseous, and have a bout of vomiting immediately.  If you arepregnant, crampsmight accompany the morning sickness.  The worst of it usually goes away after the first few months.  You can sometimes lessen the severity by eating smaller meals and avoiding spicy food.

You may also find yourself experiencing severe mood swings.  You might feel more depressed than normal, and generally very emotional.  Some women compare the emotional state of early pregnancy with the mood swings they feel during pre-menstrual syndrome, just more severe.

Pregnancy can wreak havoc with your digestive system, causing problems like constipation, heartburn, and gas.Pregnancy and flatulenceare commonly identified together, because women are particularly shocked by sudden expulsions of gas, when they typically have much less. Higher production of the hormone progesterone slows down the digestive system, causing constipation and much more gas than is normal. Because the early stages ofpregnancy and flatulencefrequently coincide, it can be a pretty good indicator that something unusual is going on.

    If you suddenly find yourself exhausted all the time, pregnancy could be the reason.  Fatigue can be a result of sudden increases in hormone production associated with pregnancy. It can also come about because morning sickness andpregnant crampsare causing you to eat less, depriving you of much-needed energy.

    Whenpregnant, crampscan manifest themselves during morning sickness as a sharp stomach pain, in addition to those that seem to be similar to menstrual cramps.  You may also have problems with heartburn, since the increase of progesterone, and pressure on the stomach by the expanding uterus can cause food and gastric acid to move up the esophagus.

    If you think you might bepregnant, crampsare one of the earliest and most certain ways to tell you if you’re pregnant. Usually, you will show more than one symptom, so you may find yourself experiencing morning sickness and fatigue as well.  If so, it’s now time for a pregnancy test!