Planning For a Successful Pregnancy

Preparing to become pregnant and have a baby involves a great deal of planning and knowledge. It isn't just about having enough money, a stable relationship, or the emotional maturity to handle parenthood. Your body needs to be prepared as well, and a pregnancy planner can help to ensure you are physically ready to provide the best possible home for your baby over the nine months of your pregnancy.

The first thing that will be established is your overall health, including any chronic medical conditions and how they will affect your pregnancy. You will need to take a look at any medications or supplements you currently take to determine their safety during pregnancy.

When deciding when to get pregnant, your age is an important consideration. After 35, the risk of miscarriage or birth defects starts to increase. It's important to understand these risks when planning a pregnancy.

Making sure that you are up to date on your vaccines is an important physical aspect to pregnancy as well. Aside from being a miserable time to be sick, major illness during pregnancy can put your baby at risk. Testing for sexually transmitted diseases is also important to planning a pregnancy.

Finally, you will need to decide when to stop using birth control, and whether you should wait a while after going off the pill to attempt conception. A pregnancy planner can help with this.

Before attempting to become pregnant, spend some time going over the pregnancy symptoms week by week , so that you will know what to expect, and what to look for as a sign that you are pregnant. Once your body is in perfect physical condition and ready to conceive, you will be ready to start trying and watching for those first signs of being pregnant !